3.2.6. license

License configuration.

vrouter running config# system license


Enable or disable the license.

vrouter running config# system license
vrouter running license# enabled true|false
Default value

valid (state only)

True if the license is valid.

vrouter> show state system license valid

state (state only)

The license state.

vrouter> show state system license state

activation-type (state only)

How the license was activated.

vrouter> show state system license activation-type

license-type (state only)

The license type.

vrouter> show state system license license-type

short-license-type (state only)

A shorter version of the license type.

vrouter> show state system license short-license-type

subscription-end-date (state only)

The subscription or evaluation end date.

vrouter> show state system license subscription-end-date

support-type (state only)

The type of support (none, standard or extended).

vrouter> show state system license support-type

support-end-date (state only)

The support end date.

vrouter> show state system license support-end-date


Configure an online license.

vrouter running config# system license online

serial (mandatory)

The license serial number used for this machine.

vrouter running config# system license online
vrouter running online# serial <string>


The VRF to use for connecting to the license server.

vrouter running config# system license online
vrouter running online# vrf VRF

VRF values



The main vrf.


The vrf name.

Default value


The hostname or address of an HTTP proxy to use for connecting to the online license server.

vrouter running config# system license online
vrouter running online# proxy-host PROXY-HOST




An IPv4 address.


An IPv6 address.


The domain-name type represents a DNS domain name. Fully quallified left to the models which utilize this type. Internet domain names are only loosely specified. Section 3.5 of RFC 1034 recommends a syntax (modified in Section 2.1 of RFC 1123). The pattern above is intended to allow for current practice in domain name use, and some possible future expansion. It is designed to hold various types of domain names, including names used for A or AAAA records (host names) and other records, such as SRV records. Note that Internet host names have a stricter syntax (described in RFC 952) than the DNS recommendations in RFCs 1034 and 1123, and that systems that want to store host names in schema nodes using the domain-name type are recommended to adhere to this stricter standard to ensure interoperability. The encoding of DNS names in the DNS protocol is limited to 255 characters. Since the encoding consists of labels prefixed by a length bytes and there is a trailing NULL byte, only 253 characters can appear in the textual dotted notation. Domain-name values use the US-ASCII encoding. Their canonical format uses lowercase US-ASCII characters. Internationalized domain names MUST be encoded in punycode as described in RFC 3492.


The TCP port of the HTTP proxy server.

vrouter running config# system license online
vrouter running online# proxy-port PROXY-PORT


A 16-bit port number used by a transport protocol such as TCP or UDP.


The username for connecting to the HTTP proxy server.

vrouter running config# system license online
vrouter running online# proxy-user <string>


The password for connecting to the HTTP proxy server.

vrouter running config# system license online
vrouter running online# proxy-password <string>


If activated, exports information necessary for finding the instance on the licensing portal. It is recommended to leave this enabled.

vrouter running config# system license online
vrouter running online# export-analytics true|false
Default value


If activated, the licensing server will be accessed using IPv6 instead of IPv4.

vrouter running config# system license online
vrouter running online# use-ipv6-dns true|false
Default value

connected (state only)

True if the cloud license server is reachable.

vrouter> show state system license online connected

last-healthcheck-date (state only)

The last contact with license server date.

vrouter> show state system license online last-healthcheck-date

lease-end-date (state only)

The end of the license lease date.

vrouter> show state system license online lease-end-date

current-activations (state only)

How many devices already hold this license.

vrouter> show state system license online current-activations

allowed-activations (state only)

How many devices can hold this license at a time.

vrouter> show state system license online allowed-activations

computer-id (state only)

This computer ID.

vrouter> show state system license online computer-id


Configure an offline license using a certificate.

vrouter running config# system license offline-certificate

serial (mandatory)

The license serial number of a license file imported with the license certificate import command. After the first successful commit, the certificate is deleted.

vrouter running config# system license offline-certificate
vrouter running offline-certificate# serial <string>

computer-id (state only)

This computer ID.

vrouter> show state system license offline-certificate computer-id

license-certificate (state only)

License certificates imported on the system.

vrouter> show state system license offline-certificate license-certificate


Configure an offline license using a file.

vrouter running config# system license offline

serial (mandatory)

The license serial number of a license file imported with the license-file import command.

vrouter running config# system license offline
vrouter running offline# serial <string>

license-file (state only)

License files imported on the system.

vrouter> show state system license offline license-file

throughput (state only)

Network throughput.

allowed (state only)

The allowed throughput.

vrouter> show state system license throughput allowed

used (state only)

The througput currently in use.

vrouter> show state system license throughput used

cgnat-conntracks (state only)

CG-NAT conntracks.

allowed (state only)

The number of CG-NAT conntracks allowed.

vrouter> show state system license cgnat-conntracks allowed

used (state only)

The number of CG-NAT conntracks currently in use.

vrouter> show state system license cgnat-conntracks used

ipsec-tunnels (state only)

IPsec tunnels.

allowed (state only)

The number of IPsec tunnels allowed.

vrouter> show state system license ipsec-tunnels allowed

used (state only)

The number of IPsec tunnels currently in use.

vrouter> show state system license ipsec-tunnels used