2.2.9. Install as a VM using Microsoft Azure

This section will guide you to deploy Virtual Service Router running on Microsoft Azure’s virtual machine.

The following tools are required:

  1. Azure Command-Line Interface: The CLI used to create and manage Azure resources

  2. AzCopy: A command-line utility to upload file on Azure.

These instructions demonstrate how to perform the steps using Azure CLI, but you can also use the Azure Portal or any other Azure capable API to complete these steps.

Build VHD image from qcow2

  1. Resize image to align to 1MB

    size=$(qemu-img info -f qcow2 --output json <path to qcow2> | \
           gawk 'match($0, /"virtual-size": ([0-9]+),/, val) {print val[1]}')
    rounded_size=$((($size/$MB + 1)*$MB))
    qemu-img resize -f qcow2 <path to qcow2> $rounded_size
  2. Convert .qcow2 into a .vhd

    qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -o subformat=fixed,force_size -O vpc \
                   <path to qcow2> <path to vhd>

Upload VHD on Azure

The following steps are extracted from Microsoft Azure official documentation.

  1. Create a resource group:

    az group create -l westeurope -g test
  2. Create a disk with an upload size:

    $upload_size=$(stat --print="%s" <path_to_vhd>)
    az disk create -n vsr-disk -g test --for-upload --upload-size-bytes $upload_size --sku standard_lrs

<path_to_vhd> is the path to the Virtual Service Router image in VHD file format.

  1. Grant the disk access and copy the returned value:

    az disk grant-access -n vsr-disk -g test --access-level Write --duration-in-seconds 3000
  2. Upload the VHD image with AzCopy:

    azcopy copy <path_to_vhd> <disk_access> --blob-type PageBlob
  3. Make the disk usable:

    az disk revoke-access -n vsr-disk -g test
  4. Create Virtual Service Router image:

    az image create -n vsr-img -g test --source vsr-disk --os-type linux

Launch a Virtual Service Router VM

Start Virtual Service Router on Azure’s virtual machine with 3 network interfaces: eth0 with a public IP address, eth1 and eth2 are used by DPDK.

Create network interfaces

  1. Create a network security rule allowing ssh connexion:

    az network nsg create -n nsg -g test
    az network nsg rule create -n nsgrule1 -g test --nsg-name --access Allow --protocol Tcp --direction Inbound --source-port-range "*" --destination-address-prefix "*" --destination-port-range 22 --priority 500
  2. Create a virtual network:

    az network vnet create -n vnet -g test --address-prefixes --network-security-group nsg
    az network vnet subnet create -n subnet -g test --vnet-name vnet --address-prefixes
  3. Create a public IP address for ssh connexion:

    az network public-ip create -n publicIp -g test --allocation-method Dynamic --version IPv4
  4. Create network interfaces:

    az network nic create -n nic0 -g test --vnet-name vnet --subnet subnet --network-security-group nsg --public-ip-address publicIp
    az network nic create -n nic1 -g test --vnet-name vnet --subnet subnet --ip-forwarding true --accelerated-networking true
    az network nic create -n nic2 -g test --vnet-name vnet --subnet subnet --ip-forwarding true --accelerated-networking true


Do not forget IP forwarding and accelerated network options. These options will enable traffic forwarding and SR-IOV on the interface.

Create a Virtual Service Router VM from the image

  1. Get the id of the created vsr image:

    id=$(az image show -n vsr-img -g test --query {id:id} -o tsv)
  2. Start the VM from this image id:

    az vm create -n vsr -g test --image $id --nics nic0 nic1 nic2

Then connect on the VM with the provided password. The next step is to perform your first configuration.