3.2.31. snmp¶
SNMP configuration.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp
enabled (pushed)¶
Enable or disable the SNMP engine.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp
vsr running snmp# enabled true|false
- Default value
Configuration of the transport endpoint on which the engine listens.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp listen
The protocols used for connecting to the SNMP agent.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp listen
vsr running listen# protocols PROTOCOLS
Description |
udp |
UDP. |
tcp |
TCP. |
udp6 |
UDPv6. |
tcp6 |
TCPv6. |
- Default value
The TCP or UDP port on which the engine listens.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp listen
vsr running listen# port PORT
A 16-bit port number used by a transport protocol such as TCP or UDP. |
- Default value
Most of the information reported by the SNMP agent is retrieved from the underlying system. However, certain MIB objects can be configured with a static value.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp static-info
System location (sysLocation.0) object value.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp static-info
vsr running static-info# location <string>
System contact (sysContact.0) object value.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp static-info
vsr running static-info# contact <string>
System name (sysName.0) object value.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp static-info
vsr running static-info# name <string>
Value of the sysServices.0 object. For a host system, a good value is 72 (application + end-to-end layers).
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp static-info
vsr running static-info# services <uint8>
System description of the SNMP agent (sysDescr.0).
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp static-info
vsr running static-info# description <string>
System OID (sysObjectOID.0) object value.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp static-info
vsr running static-info# object-id OBJECT-ID
SNMP object identifier either as a label or numeric form. |
A named ‘view’ - a subset of the overall OID tree.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp view <string>
<string> |
The name of the view. |
A part of the OID tree to include or exclude from the view.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp view <string>
vsr running view <string># subtree <subtree> included true|false
<subtree> |
SNMP object identifier either as a label or numeric form. |
An SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp community <string>
<string> |
The name of the community. |
authorization (mandatory)¶
The authorization level of the community.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp community <string>
vsr running community <string># authorization AUTHORIZATION
Available authentication levels. |
Restrict access to requests from the specified address or prefix list.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp community <string>
vsr running community <string># source SOURCE
Description |
<host> |
The host type represents either an unzoned IP address or a DNS domain name. |
<ip-prefix> |
An IPv4 or IPv6 prefix: address and CIDR mask. |
Restricts access for that community to the subtree rooted at the given view name. If not specified, the community has access to the whole OID tree.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp community <string>
vsr running community <string># view <leafref>
Monitored VRF.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp monitored-vrf <string>
<string> |
The name of the monitored VRF. |
Identifier to access the monitored VRF, acts as a community for SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c and as a context for SNMPv3.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp monitored-vrf <string> identifier <string>
<string> |
The monitored VRF identifier (community for SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c and context for SNMPv3). |
authorization (mandatory)¶
The authorization level of the identifier.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp monitored-vrf <string> identifier <string>
vsr running identifier <string># authorization AUTHORIZATION
Available authentication levels. |
Restrict access to requests from the specified address or prefix list for SNMPv1 or SNMPv2.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp monitored-vrf <string> identifier <string>
vsr running identifier <string># source SOURCE
Description |
<host> |
The host type represents either an unzoned IP address or a DNS domain name. |
<ip-prefix> |
An IPv4 or IPv6 prefix: address and CIDR mask. |
Restricts access to the subtree rooted at the given view name. If not specified, the identifier has access to the whole OID tree.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp monitored-vrf <string> identifier <string>
vsr running identifier <string># view <leafref>
Active monitoring and automatic notifications configuration.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp monitored-vrf <string> traps
The destination of SNMPv1 TRAPs, SNMPv2c TRAP2s, or SNMPv2 INFORM notifications.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp monitored-vrf <string> traps destination <leafref>
<leafref> |
The receiver address to use. |
community (mandatory)¶
The community string to use when sending traps to this destination.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp monitored-vrf <string> traps destination <leafref>
vsr running destination <leafref># community <leafref>
SNMPv3 access control configuration.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp access-control
An SNMPv3 user.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp access-control user <string>
<string> |
The name of the user (securityName). |
auth-password (mandatory)¶
The authentication password.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp access-control user <string>
vsr running user <string># auth-password <string>
The authentication method.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp access-control user <string>
vsr running user <string># auth-method AUTH-METHOD
Description |
md5 |
MD5. |
sha |
SHA. |
- Default value
The privacy (encryption) password. If not specified, it is assumed to be the same as the authentication password.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp access-control user <string>
vsr running user <string># priv-password <string>
The encryption protocol.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp access-control user <string>
vsr running user <string># priv-protocol PRIV-PROTOCOL
Description |
aes |
AES. |
des |
DES. |
- Default value
An SNMPv3 group.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp access-control group <string>
<string> |
The name of the group. |
Name of a user to add to this group.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp access-control group <string>
vsr running group <string># user <leafref>
security-level (mandatory)¶
The security level enforced on this group.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp access-control group <string>
vsr running group <string># security-level SECURITY-LEVEL
Description |
auth |
Authentication is required. |
priv |
Authentication and encryption are required. |
Restricts access for that group to the subtree rooted at the given view name. If not specified, the group has access to the whole OID tree.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp access-control group <string>
vsr running group <string># view <leafref>
The authorization level of this group.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp access-control group <string>
vsr running group <string># authorization AUTHORIZATION
Available authentication levels. |
- Default value
Active monitoring and automatic notifications configuration.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp traps
Notification receiver that should be sent SNMPv1 TRAPs, SNMPv2c TRAP2s, or SNMPv2 INFORM notifications.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp traps
vsr running traps# destination <destination> port PORT protocol PROTOCOL \
... notification-type NOTIFICATION-TYPE community <leafref>
<destination> |
The host type represents either an unzoned IP address or a DNS domain name. |
The port number of the host where to send the traps.
port PORT
A 16-bit port number used by a transport protocol such as TCP or UDP. |
- Default value
The protocol used to connect to the destination host.
protocol PROTOCOL
Description |
udp |
UDP. |
tcp |
TCP. |
udp6 |
UDPv6. |
tcp6 |
TCPv6. |
- Default value
notification-type (mandatory)¶
The type of notifications that is to be sent to the specified host.
notification-type NOTIFICATION-TYPE
Description |
Send SNMPv1 TRAPs to the specified host. |
Send SNMPv2c TRAP2s to the specified host. |
Send SNMPv2 INFORM notifications to the specified host. |
community (mandatory)¶
The community string to use when sending traps to this destination.
community <leafref>
Monitor authentication failures.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp traps
vsr running traps# authfail-check enabled true|false
Enable or disable authentication failures monitoring.
enabled true|false
- Default value
Monitor network interfaces being taken up or down, triggering a linkUp or linkDown notification as appropriate.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp traps
vsr running traps# link-status-check frequency FREQUENCY enabled true|false
Check for network interfaces being taken up or down every <frequency> period.
frequency FREQUENCY
Value in seconds or optionnally suffixed by one of s (for seconds), m (for minutes), h (for hours), d (for days) or w (for weeks). |
- Default value
Monitor the important processes of the system, triggering a notification when one of them is not alive.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp traps
vsr running traps# process-check frequency FREQUENCY enabled true|false
Check for network interfaces being taken up or down every <frequency> period.
frequency FREQUENCY
Value in seconds or optionnally suffixed by one of s (for seconds), m (for minutes), h (for hours), d (for days) or w (for weeks). |
- Default value
Enables monitoring of all disks found on the system, using the specified (percentage) threshold.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp traps
vsr running traps# disk-space-check threshold <uint8> frequency FREQUENCY \
... enabled true|false
threshold (mandatory)¶
The minimum free disk space in percentage of the total space.
threshold <uint8>
Check for free disk space every <frequency> period.
frequency FREQUENCY
Value in seconds or optionnally suffixed by one of s (for seconds), m (for minutes), h (for hours), d (for days) or w (for weeks). |
- Default value
Enables monitoring of the load average and trigger notifications if it goes above the specified thresholds.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> snmp traps
vsr running traps# load-check threshold <uint16> enabled true|false