3.2.44. ppp-server¶
requires a BNG PPPoE Application License.
PPP server configuration.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server
PPP Server configuration.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string>
PPP server instance name. |
Enable PPP server.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string>
vsr running instance <string># enabled true|false
- Default value
Specify whether ppp server should control sessions count per user.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string>
vsr running instance <string># single-session SINGLE-SESSION
Description |
Accept multiple connections. |
Deny all other connections. |
Replace the current connection by the new one. |
- Default value
Specify maximum number of sessions accepted by the server. 0 is interpreted as maximum value.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string>
vsr running instance <string># max-sessions <0-10300>
- Default value
Specify number of concurrent session attempts. Disabled by default.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string>
vsr running instance <string># max-starting <uint32>
- Default value
Log level to display.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string>
vsr running instance <string># log-level LOG-LEVEL
Description |
Disable logging. |
Display error message. |
Display error and warning message. |
Display error, warning and info message. |
Display all messages. |
- Default value
PPP configuration.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ppp
Increase log details for PPP.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ppp
vsr running ppp# verbose true|false
- Default value
Minimum MTU for PPP session.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ppp
vsr running ppp# min-mtu <uint32>
- Default value
Preferred MTU.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ppp
vsr running ppp# mtu <uint32>
Preferred MRU.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ppp
vsr running ppp# mru <uint32>
Specifies policy for IPCP negotiation.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ppp
vsr running ppp# ipcp IPCP
Description |
Deny. |
Accept but do not propose. |
Propose but do not fail if rejected. |
Require. |
- Default value
Specifies policy for IPV6CP negotiation.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ppp
vsr running ppp# ipv6cp IPV6CP
Description |
Deny. |
Accept but do not propose. |
Propose but do not fail if rejected. |
Require. |
- Default value
IPV6CP interface identifier configuration.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ppp ipv6cp-interface-id
Specify IPv6 interface identifier for PPPoE client, negotiated through IPV6CP as described in RFC 5072.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ppp ipv6cp-interface-id
vsr running ipv6cp-interface-id# peer-interface-id PEER-INTERFACE-ID
Description |
No description. |
Generate random interface identifier. |
Use peer IPv4 address for interface identifier. |
- Default value
Specify IPv6 interface identifier for local PPP interfaces, negotiated through IPV6CP as described in RFC 5072.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ppp ipv6cp-interface-id
vsr running ipv6cp-interface-id# local-interface-id LOCAL-INTERFACE-ID
Description |
No description. |
Generate random interface identifier. |
- Default value
Specify whether to accept peer’s interface identifier.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ppp ipv6cp-interface-id
vsr running ipv6cp-interface-id# accept-peer-interface-id true|false
- Default value
LCP configuration.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ppp lcp
Time between each LCP echo request.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ppp lcp
vsr running lcp# echo-interval <uint32>
- Default value
Maximum number of LCP echo replies sent without valid answer before terminate the connection.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ppp lcp
vsr running lcp# echo-failure <uint32>
- Default value
PPPoE server configuration.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> pppoe
Enable PPPoE server.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> pppoe
vsr running pppoe# enabled true|false
- Default value
Increase log details for PPPoE.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> pppoe
vsr running pppoe# verbose true|false
- Default value
Limit overall PADI packets to reply in 1 second. Only one packet per mac address would be accepted.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> pppoe
vsr running pppoe# padi-limit <uint32>
- Default value
Access Concentrator’s name.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> pppoe
vsr running pppoe# ac-name <string>
List of Service Name to offer.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> pppoe
vsr running pppoe# service-name <string>
IPv4 Pool Name to use for PPP sessions.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> pppoe
vsr running pppoe# ip-pool <string>
IPv6 Pool Name to use for PPP sessions.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> pppoe
vsr running pppoe# ipv6-pool <leafref>
IPv6 Prefix Delegation Name to use for PPP sessions.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> pppoe
vsr running pppoe# ipv6-prefix-delegation <leafref>
Specifiy interfaces PPPoE server is listening to . Optional padi- limit=n can be specified for each interface. Optional re: allow to use regex for interface name.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> pppoe interface <string>
Interface name. Regex can be used if prefixed with ‘re:.’. |
Maximum number of PADI packets per second processed by interfaces. Disabled by default.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> pppoe interface <string>
vsr running interface <string># padi-limit <uint32>
- Default value
List of delays to send PADO packets according to session count.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> pppoe
vsr running pppoe# pado-delay session-count <1-10000> delay <uint32>
Session count starting which the delay is enforced. |
delay (mandatory)¶
unit: milliseconds
Time in milliseconds to wait before sending the reply packet.
delay <uint32>
Authentication configuration.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth
Enable Authentication for PPP connections.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth
vsr running auth# enabled true|false
- Default value
Timeout for Authentication.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth
vsr running auth# timeout <uint32>
- Default value
Max Failure Number for authentication before stopping connection.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth
vsr running auth# max-failure <uint32>
- Default value
Peer authentication interval (in second) . Disabled by default or if PAP method is used.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth
vsr running auth# peer-auth-interval <uint32>
- Default value
Set authentication mode.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth
vsr running auth# peer-auth-mode PEER-AUTH-MODE
Description |
Authenticate using PAP. |
Authenticate using CHAP. |
Authenticate using MS-CHAP. |
Authenticate using MS-CHAPv2. |
- Default value
CHAP Configuration.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth peer-secrets
Enable peer authentication with local database.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth peer-secrets
vsr running peer-secrets# enabled true|false
- Default value
List user/password.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth peer-secrets secrets <string>
Username. |
Radius Configuration.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth radius
Default IP address for local interface used for Framed-IP.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth radius
vsr running radius# default-local-ip DEFAULT-LOCAL-IP
An IPv4 address. |
Enable Radius authentication.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth radius
vsr running radius# enabled true|false
- Default value
Source address used to reach the radius server.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth radius
vsr running radius# source SOURCE
Description |
An IPv4 address. |
An IPv6 address. |
RADIUS server VRF.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth radius
vsr running radius# vrf VRF
Description |
The main vrf. |
The vrf name. |
List of radius servers.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth radius
vsr running radius# server address <address> auth-port <uint16> acct-port <uint16> \
... secret SECRET
An IPv4 address. |
Port for Access-Requests packets. Set it to 1812 to use default port. |
Port for Accounting-Request packets. Set it to 1813 to use default port. |
List of radius backup servers.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth radius
vsr running radius# backup-server address <address> auth-port <uint16> acct-port <uint16> \
... secret SECRET
An IPv4 address. |
Port for Access-Requests packets. Set it to 1812 to use default port. |
Port for Accounting-Request packets. Set it to 1813 to use default port. |
secret (mandatory) (hidden)¶
Shared secret with Radius server to encrypt and sign packets.
secret SECRET
Alphanumeric password. |
Network Access Server Radius field configuration.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth radius nas
Specifies Values of Radius NAS-IP-Address field.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth radius nas
vsr running nas# ip-address IP-ADDRESS
Description |
An IPv4 address. |
An IPv6 address. |
Specifies Values of Radius NAS-Identifier field.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth radius nas
vsr running nas# identifier <string>
Change of Authorization local server configuration.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth radius change-of-authorization-server
Local IP address to listen CoA-Request Message. Only IPv4 is supported.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth radius change-of-authorization-server
vsr running change-of-authorization-server# ip-address IP-ADDRESS
Description |
An IPv4 address. |
An IPv6 address. |
- Default value
UDP port to listen CoA-Request Message.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth radius change-of-authorization-server
vsr running change-of-authorization-server# port PORT
A 16-bit port number used by a transport protocol such as TCP or UDP. |
- Default value
secret (mandatory) (hidden)¶
Secret to decrypt CoA-Request Message.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth radius change-of-authorization-server
vsr running change-of-authorization-server# secret SECRET
Alphanumeric password. |
Accounting configuration for Radius server.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth radius accounting
interim-interval (mandatory)¶
unit: seconds
Set accounting information refresh interval.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth radius accounting
vsr running accounting# interim-interval <uint32>
unit: seconds
Set maximum amount of jitter to apply to interval: interim-interval +/- random(0, interim-jitter).
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth radius accounting
vsr running accounting# interim-jitter <uint32>
Generate and send Acct-Session-Id on Access-Request packet.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth radius accounting
vsr running accounting# session-id-in-authentication true|false
- Default value
Allow unreachable information for the radius server.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> auth radius accounting
vsr running accounting# allow-unreachable enabled true|false max-retry <1-2147483647> \
... timeout <1-2147483647>
Maximum amount of connection to the accounting server before considering it is totally unreachable, once hit, all sessions will be closed.
max-retry <1-2147483647>
- Default value
unit: seconds
Interval in seconds between two tries to reach the accounting server.
timeout <1-2147483647>
- Default value
IPv4 Pool configuration.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ip-pool
Default IP address for local interface.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ip-pool
vsr running ip-pool# default-local-ip DEFAULT-LOCAL-IP
An IPv4 address. |
Specifies IP address range to use for peer.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ip-pool pool <string>
Name of the pool. |
Peer IPv4 address pool.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ip-pool pool <string>
vsr running pool <string># peer-pool PEER-POOL
Description |
An IPv4 address range, in the form addr4-addr4. |
A masked IPv4 address: address and prefix of that subnet. |
IPv6 Pool configuration.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ipv6-pool
Specifies IPv6 prefixes to use for peer.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ipv6-pool pool <string>
Name of the pool. |
prefix (mandatory)¶
Peer IPv6 prefix pool described as IPv6-address/mask, where the mask is used to generate the list of prefixes (subnets). For instance if prefix = fc00:0:1::/48 and prefix-len = 64, then the pool will have 65536 prefixes from fc00:0:1:0::/64 to fc00:0:1:ffff::/64. Each prefix has a length of 64 bits.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ipv6-pool pool <string>
vsr running pool <string># prefix PREFIX
An IPv6 prefix: address and CIDR mask. |
prefix-len (mandatory)¶
Prefix length, a decimal value specifying how many of the leftmost contiguous bits of the address comprise the prefix (rfc 4291).
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ipv6-pool pool <string>
vsr running pool <string># prefix-len <uint32>
Specifies IPv6 prefixes for DHCPv6 IPv6 prefix delegation feature.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ipv6-pool prefix-delegation <string>
Name of the pool. |
prefix (mandatory)¶
Peer IPv6 prefix pool described as IPv6-address/mask, where the mask is used to generate the list of prefixes (subnets). For instance if prefix = fc00:0:1::/48 and prefix-len = 64, then the pool will have 65536 prefixes from fc00:0:1:0::/64 to fc00:0:1:ffff::/64. Each prefix has a length of 64 bits.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ipv6-pool prefix-delegation <string>
vsr running prefix-delegation <string># prefix PREFIX
An IPv6 prefix: address and CIDR mask. |
prefix-len (mandatory)¶
Prefix length, a decimal value specifying how many of the leftmost contiguous bits of the address comprise the prefix (rfc 4291).
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ipv6-pool prefix-delegation <string>
vsr running prefix-delegation <string># prefix-len <uint32>
DNS configuration for clients.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> dns
List of IPv4 and IPv6 DNS servers.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> dns
vsr running dns# server SERVER
Description |
An IPv4 address. |
An IPv6 address. |
Specify IPv6 DNS Search List. It doesn’t apply to IPv4.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> dns
vsr running dns# dns-search-list <string>
IPv6 Neighbor Discovery configuration for router advertisement messages.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ipv6-neighbor-discovery
Enable IPv6 Neighbor Discovery.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ipv6-neighbor-discovery
vsr running ipv6-neighbor-discovery# enabled true|false
- Default value
Include logs from Neighbor Discovery.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ipv6-neighbor-discovery
vsr running ipv6-neighbor-discovery# verbose true|false
- Default value
QoS templates configuration for Radius attributes.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> qos
Enable QoS setting through Radius.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> qos
vsr running qos# enabled true|false
- Default value
Default template to use when no template is selected through RADIUS.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> qos
vsr running qos# default-template <leafref>
List of QoS templates.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> qos template <string>
Template name. |
base-scheduler (deprecated)¶
Name of the base htb scheduler to be applied to the client.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> qos template <string>
vsr running template <string># base-scheduler <leafref>
Name of interface on which the base HTB scheduler is installed. The dynamic queues will be added into this scheduler.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> qos template <string>
vsr running template <string># scheduler-interface <string>
List of queue templates.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> qos template <string> queue <string>
Name of the queue template. |
Based on this queue template, a QoS queue will be added dynamically by the BNG for each client according to their QoS template name announced by Radius attributes.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> qos template <string> queue <string>
vsr running queue <string># description <string>
ID of the parent queue among the base scheduler.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> qos template <string> queue <string>
vsr running queue <string># static-parent <leafref>
Name of a queue among this template to use as a parent.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> qos template <string> queue <string>
vsr running queue <string># dynamic-parent <leafref>
Trafic mark for the queue. Only the lower 8-bits of the 32-bits mark can be specified. The mark 0 means ‘no mark’.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> qos template <string> queue <string>
vsr running queue <string># mark <0x0-0xff>
bandwidth (mandatory)¶
Guaranteed bandwidth of the queue.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> qos template <string> queue <string>
vsr running queue <string># bandwidth BANDWIDTH
Rate in bits per second. K/M/G/T multipliers are supported. Example: 1G stands for 1000000000 bps. |
Guaranteed bandwidth maximum burst size. Defaults to bandwidth/80 (100ms of traffic at bandwidth rate).
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> qos template <string> queue <string>
vsr running queue <string># burst BURST
Burst size in bytes. K/M/G/T multipliers are supported. Example: 2K stands for 2000 bytes. |
Ceiling rate of the queue. Defaults to bandwidth.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> qos template <string> queue <string>
vsr running queue <string># ceiling CEILING
Rate in bits per second. K/M/G/T multipliers are supported. Example: 1G stands for 1000000000 bps. |
Ceiling rate maximum burst size. Defaults to ceiling/80 (100ms of traffic at ceiling rate).
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> qos template <string> queue <string>
vsr running queue <string># ceiling-burst CEILING-BURST
Burst size in bytes. K/M/G/T multipliers are supported. Example: 2K stands for 2000 bytes. |
Priority of the queue in case of ceiling, used to distribute available ceiling bandwidth to queues by order of priority. Lower is more priority.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> qos template <string> queue <string>
vsr running queue <string># ceiling-priority <0-9>
Number of bytes added by the underlying protocol on each packet.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> qos template <string> queue <string>
vsr running queue <string># layer1-overhead <uint32>
- Default value
Quantum of the queue, used to distribute available bandwidth between queues of same priorities, in a weighted round robin fashion.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> qos template <string> queue <string>
vsr running queue <string># quantum <uint32>
Size of the queue in packets. The value is rounded up to the nearest power of 2.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> qos template <string> queue <string>
vsr running queue <string># size <uint32>
- Default value
priority (deprecated)¶
Priority of the queue, used to distribute available bandwidth to queues by order of priority.
vsr running config# vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> qos template <string> queue <string>
vsr running queue <string># priority <uint32>
session-state (state only)¶
Session state.
username (state only)¶
Current user being connected.
vsr> show state vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> session-state <string> username
peer-ip (state only)¶
List peer IP addresses.
vsr> show state vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> session-state <string> peer-ip
local-ip (state only)¶
List local IP addresses.
vsr> show state vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> session-state <string> local-ip
type (state only)¶
PPP Transport Protocol.
vsr> show state vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> session-state <string> type
state (state only)¶
Session state.
vsr> show state vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> session-state <string> state
uptime (state only)¶
Session uptime.
vsr> show state vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> session-state <string> uptime
rx-bytes (state only)¶
Number of bytes read.
vsr> show state vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> session-state <string> rx-bytes
tx-bytes (state only)¶
Number of bytes written.
vsr> show state vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> session-state <string> tx-bytes
ip-pool-state (state only)¶
List IPv4 pool state.
peer-pool (state only)¶
Configured pool.
vsr> show state vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ip-pool-state <string> peer-pool
used (state only)¶
Number of IP addresses currently in use.
vsr> show state vrf <vrf> ppp-server instance <string> ip-pool-state <string> used