3.2.15. dns

Enclosing container for DNS resolver data.

vsr running config# vrf <vrf> dns


List of the DNS servers that the resolver should query. When the resolver is invoked by a calling application, it sends the query to the first name server in this list. If no response has been received within ‘timeout’ seconds, the resolver continues with the next server in the list. If no response is received from any server, the resolver continues with the first server again. When the resolver has traversed the list ‘attempts’ times without receiving any response, it gives up and returns an error to the calling application. Implementations MAY limit the number of entries in this list.

vsr running config# vrf <vrf> dns
vsr running dns# server <server>

<server> values



An IPv4 address.


An IPv6 address.


DNS proxy configuration.

vsr running config# vrf <vrf> dns proxy


Enable or disable DNS proxy. By default, DNS proxy listens to requests on all networks and forwards them to local DNS servers (configured statically or obtained through DHCP).

vsr running config# vrf <vrf> dns proxy
vsr running proxy# enabled true|false
Default value


Configure networks on which to listen to DNS requests. If not specified, DNS proxy listens to all networks.

vsr running config# vrf <vrf> dns proxy
vsr running proxy# listen-to LISTEN-TO

LISTEN-TO values



An IPv4 prefix: address and CIDR mask.


An IPv6 prefix: address and CIDR mask.


Configure name servers to forward the DNS requests to. If not specified, requests are forwarded to local DNS servers (configured statically or obtained through DHCP).

vsr running config# vrf <vrf> dns proxy forward


The address of the DNS servers, can be either IPv4 or IPv6.

vsr running config# vrf <vrf> dns proxy forward
vsr running forward# server SERVER

SERVER values



An IPv4 address.


An IPv6 address.


Forward DNS requests to local DNS servers (configured statically or obtained through DHCP).

vsr running config# vrf <vrf> dns proxy forward
vsr running forward# local


DNS64 configuration.

vsr running config# vrf <vrf> dns proxy dns64 <dns64>


An IPv6 prefix: address and CIDR mask.

client (mandatory)

Clients IPv6 addresses.

vsr running config# vrf <vrf> dns proxy dns64 <dns64>
vsr running dns64 <dns64># client CLIENT


An IPv6 prefix: address and CIDR mask.


IPv6 addresses to exclude.

vsr running config# vrf <vrf> dns proxy dns64 <dns64>
vsr running dns64 <dns64># exclude EXCLUDE


An IPv6 prefix: address and CIDR mask.


IPv4 prefixes to be map in the corresponding A resource record set. If not defined it defaults to any.

vsr running config# vrf <vrf> dns proxy dns64 <dns64>
vsr running dns64 <dns64># mapped [not] PREFIX

Do not map the following set of IPv4 prefixes.


IPv4 prefixes to be mapped or not.



An IPv4 prefix: address and CIDR mask.