3.2.7. aaa

Configuration data for aaa servers.

vrouter running config# system aaa


List of tacacs servers on the system.

vrouter running config# system aaa tacacs <uint32>


Order for TACACS+ servers. They will be reached by increasing order value.

address (mandatory)

TACACS+ server IPv4 or IPv6 address. It has to be accessible from vrf ‘main’.

vrouter running config# system aaa tacacs <uint32>
vrouter running tacacs <uint32># address ADDRESS

ADDRESS values



An IPv4 address.


An IPv6 address.


Port number to reach the TACACS server.

vrouter running config# system aaa tacacs <uint32>
vrouter running tacacs <uint32># port <uint16>
Default value

secret (mandatory)

TACACS+ client/server shared secret.

vrouter running config# system aaa tacacs <uint32>
vrouter running tacacs <uint32># secret <string>


Timeout before trying to reach another TACACS+ server.

vrouter running config# system aaa tacacs <uint32>
vrouter running tacacs <uint32># timeout <uint8>
Default value