
A monitoring.sh script is available to start the monitoring module.

The start, status and stop commands are available:

# monitoring.sh start
Starting Monitoring...
Monitoring successfully started

# monitoring.sh status
* kpid.service - KPI Daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/kpid.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2020-06-16 09:31:53 UTC; 3s ago
 Main PID: 3526 (kpid)
    Tasks: 1 (limit: 1088)
   CGroup: /system.slice/kpid.service
           `-3526 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/kpid

* netopeer2-server.service - NETCONF Server
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/netopeer2-server.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Mon 2020-06-16 09:31:52 UTC; 4s ago
 Main PID: 1067 (netopeer2-serve)
    Tasks: 7 (limit: 1088)
   CGroup: /system.slice/netopeer2-server.service
           `-1067 /usr/bin/netopeer2-server -U -g netconf -m 660

# monitoring.sh stop
Stopping Monitoring...
Monitoring successfully stopped

Netopeer options can be configured in /etc/default/netopeer and kpid options can be configured in /etc/default/kpid.

On the monitored device, fetch the fp-cpu-usage kpi:

# kpi-get fp-cpu-usage -o json
  "sixwind-router:monitoring": {
    "fp:cpu-usage": [
        "cpu": "cpu1",
        "busy": 0
        "cpu": "cpu2",
        "busy": 0
        "cpu": "cpu3",
        "busy": 0

KPI definition


6WIND monitoring uses YANG to describe its KPIs. YANG is an IETF data modeling language (RFC 6020). This section will briefly introduce this format.

Here is an example of YANG model for 6WIND monitoring sixwind-router module and product group.

module sixwind-router {
  namespace "urn:6wind:router";
  prefix router;

  organization "6WIND";
    "6WIND router data model";

  revision "2017-12-04" {
      "Initial revision.";

  container monitoring {
     config false;
       "6WIND monitoring data model.";
module product {
  namespace "urn:6wind:router:monitoring:product";
  prefix product;

  import sixwind-router {
    prefix sixwind-router;

    "This module provides support for showing product information.";

  revision "2017-11-14" {
      "Initial revision.";

  augment /sixwind-router:monitoring {

    leaf version {
      type string;
        "The product version.";

    container license {
        "The license detailed info.";

      leaf enabled {
        type boolean;
          "True if the license daemon is enabled on the system.";

      leaf valid {
        type boolean;
          "True if the license is valid.";

      leaf short-license-type {
        type enumeration {
          enum evaluation {
              "The license is an evaluation.";
          enum perpetual {
              "The license is perpetual.";
          enum subscription {
              "The license is a subscription.";
          "A shorter version of the license type.";

      leaf support-end-date {
        type string;
          "The support end date.";

      leaf remaining-days {
        type union {
          type string;
          type enumeration {
            enum unset {
                "The end date is not set.";
            enum expired {
                "The date has expired.";
          "The number of days remaining.";

      leaf throughput-allowed {
          "The allowed throughput.";
        type decimal64 {
          fraction-digits 2;
        units "Gb";

      leaf throughput-used {
          "The throughput currently in use.";
        type decimal64 {
          fraction-digits 2;
        units "Gb";

      leaf cgnat-conntracks-allowed {
        type uint32;
          "The number of CG-NAT conntracks allowed.";

      leaf cgnat-conntracks-used {
        type uint32;
          "The number of CG-NAT conntracks currently in use.";

      leaf ipsec-tunnels-allowed {
        type uint32;
          "The number of IPsec tunnels allowed.";

      leaf ipsec-tunnels-used {
        type uint32;
          "The number of IPsec tunnels currently in use.";

      leaf connected {
        type boolean;
          "The daemon is connected to the server.";

      leaf lease-end-date {
        type string;
          "The date at which the lease expires.";

      leaf remaining-lease-days {
        type union {
          type string;
          type enumeration {
            enum unset {
                "The end date is not set.";
            enum expired {
                "The date has expired.";
          "The number of days before the lease ends.";

Let’s explain some of the YANG keywords:

  • module is a self-contained top-level hierarchy of the following nodes.

  • leaf is where values are put. Each leaf has a type (e.g: string, uint16_t, uint64_t, enumeration) and a description.

  • augment <path> means that the content of the augment node should be inserted inside <path>.

  • list defines a list, the key keyword defines its key.

  • container is a way of grouping elements together.

  • description is the current element description.

  • revision is the version of the YANG model.

  • prefix tells how the module elements should be prefixed.

KPI structure

The KPI list is broken into 4 groups:

  • product, including version, or license state

  • system, including load, uptime

  • network, including interface statistics

  • fp, for statistics about fast path

In each group, several services are available. A service is a group of statistics of the same kind.

For instance, the product group contains:

  • product-version

  • product-license

The fp group contains:

  • fp-ip-stats

  • fp-ip6-stats

  • fp-cpu-usage

The list of services and their parameters is available using the kpi-list-services command on the device.

KPI identification

To identify a KPI in 6WIND monitoring module, two ways can be used.

The first one is to use a service name, as defined in the previous section:


data accessed


the fast path IPv4 statistics


the fast path cpu usage


the version of the product

The second is to use a path, similar to xpath (XML path language). Paths can be deduced from the YANG model. Some examples follow:


data accessed




all the fast path statistics


the fast path IPv4 statistics


the system cpu load for cpu3

Depending on the product and the module, some statistics might not be available.

Fetching KPIs

This section explains how the data can be fetched from the device.


The kpi-get embedded tool can be used to query the monitoring data, using the local API or NETCONF API, and output in json or influx format. It can also make HTTP POST request to a remote server.

The tool -h option explains how it works.

# kpi-get -h
usage: kpi-get [-h] [-i FMT[:opts]] -o FMT[:opts] DATA

Tool to dump KPIs

positional arguments:
  DATA                  either an xpath or a service. To get everything, use

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i FMT[:opts], --input-format FMT[:opts]
                        use "FMT:help" to get details about a format (default:
  -o FMT[:opts], --output-format FMT[:opts]
                        use "FMT:help" to get details about a format

Available services:
    fp-context-switch-stats, fp-cpu-usage, fp-drop-stats, fp-exception-queue-stats,
    fp-exceptions-stats, fp-ip-stats, fp-ip6-stats, fp-ipsec-stats, fp-
    ipsec6-stats, fp-l2-stats, network-nic-eth-stats, network-nic-traffic-stats,
    product-license, product-version, system-cpu-usage, system-numa-stats,
    system-soft-interrupts-stats, system-uptime
Available input formats:
    netconf, sysrepo
Available output formats:
    http-influx, http-json, influx, json, raw

A few examples follow to explain how the tool works.

Get all the available data in json format:

# kpi-get /sixwind-router:monitoring -o json
  "sixwind-router:monitoring": {
    "system:numa-stats": [
        "node": "node0",
        "other-node": 0,
        "numa-miss": 0,
        "numa-foreign": 0,
        "interleave-hit": 13969,
        "local-node": 3030760,
        "numa-hit": 3030760
    "product:uptime": "5:12:15",

Get all the fast path IP statistics in influx format:

# kpi-get fp-ip-stats -o influx
fp-ip-stats,path=/sixwind-router:monitoring/fp:statistics/fp:ip,host=dut-vm IpDroppedBlackhole=0,IpDroppedForwarding=0,IpDroppedIPsec=0,IpDroppedInvalidInterface=0,IpDroppedNetfilter=0,IpDroppedNoArp=0,IpDroppedNoMemory=0,IpDroppedRouteException=0,IpForwDatagrams=0,IpFragCreates=0,IpFragFails=0,IpFragOKs=0,IpInAddrErrors=0,IpInDelivers=0,IpInHdrErrors=0,IpInReceives=0,IpReasmExceptions=0,IpReasmFails=0,IpReasmOKs=0,IpReasmReqds=0,IpReasmTimeout=0

Post the fast path cpu usage in json format to a http://a.b.c.d:8000/write:

# kpi-get fp-cpu-usage -o http-json:host=a.b.c.d:port=8000:path=write


Telegraf is an agent that collects and reports metrics. Coupled with 6WIND’s tool kpi-get, it can report all the available statistics to a remote location.

Telegraf can report the monitoring data to multiple tools. The list of supported output plugins is maintained here.

To run telegraf, at least an input plugin and an output plugin should be defined. The configuration is located in /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf and /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/.

In /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf, you can configure the agent behavior. Here is an example:

  debug = false
  flush_buffer_when_full = true
  flush_interval = "15s"
  flush_jitter = "0s"
  hostname = "myhostname"
  interval = "15s"
  round_interval = true

In the /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/ directory, you can add the plugins. Here is an example of making use of the input exec plugin, that will query into 6WIND monitoring using its local API, and output to influx format:

   commands = [ "kpi-get /sixwind-router:monitoring -o influx"]

Here is an example of influxdb output plugin:

  database = "telegraf"
  urls = [ "http://a.b.c.d:8086" ]
  username = "telegraf"
  password = "mypassword"


We encourage the use of /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/ for plugins, but the configuration for those plugins can be put in /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf. The plugins are self-documented in this file.

Configuration samples for input and output can be found in the /usr/share/6WIND/telegraf directory.

Once configured, telegraf is controlled by a service file.

It is disabled by default, because some configuration is needed to make it work (the output plugin). To enable telegraf on boot and start it:

# systemctl enable telegraf
# systemctl start telegraf

To disable it from boot and stop it:

# systemctl disable telegraf
# systemctl stop telegraf


NETCONF is an IETF standard used for configuration. It can also monitor the state of a system.

Any tool supporting NETCONF can get data from the device by connecting to port 830. Any user configured on the machine can access the monitoring data. YANG models are available at the end of this document, and in the /usr/share/6WIND/yang directory on the device.