Powering OffΒΆ

To completely shutdown the machine, run the following command in operational mode:

vrouter> cmd poweroff
System will poweroff on Tue 2020-03-17 14:07:15

Unless you specified otherwise, you have 60 seconds to cancel the operation with the following command:

vrouter> cmd poweroff cancel
Broadcast message from root@vrouter (Tue 2020-03-17 14:06:18 CET):

The system shutdown has been cancelled

Poweroff cancelled.

A poweroff is not possible if the startup configuration is not the same as the running configuration:

vrouter> cmd poweroff
ERROR: Poweroff cancelled: startup and running configurations are different.
Copy running to startup or use the "force" argument to bypass this check.

In this case, the startup configuration can be updated using copy running startup, or the use the force argument:.

vrouter> cmd poweroff
System will poweroff on Tue 2020-03-17 14:07:15

See also

The command reference for details.