Virtual eXtensible Local Area Networks (VLAN) is used to address the need for overlay networks within virtualized data centers accommodating multiple tenants.

To configure VXLAN, enter the context interface type vxlan from the VRF in which you plan to define VXLAN logical interface. The VXLAN configuration is valid as soon as the VXLAN ID is set.

Here is an example of VXLAN named vxlan100 in VRF main, with a tag identifier 100 and linked to underlying interface named eth0 using the multicast group ‘’:

vrouter running vrf main# interface vxlan vxlan100
vrouter running vxlan vxlan100#! vni 100
vrouter running vxlan vxlan100# link-interface eth0
vrouter running vxlan vxlan100# group ''
vrouter running vxlan vxlan100# commit

The VXLAN interface is configured provided eth0 is configured in VRF main.

Let’s fetch the state afer committing this configuration:

vrouter running vrf main# interface vxlan vxlan100
vrouter running vxlan vxlan100# show state
vxlan vxlan100
    mtu 1450
    enabled true
        mac-address 36:22:c6:04:24:49
        address fe80::3422:c6ff:fe04:2449/64
    vni 100
    link-interface eth0
    learning true
    gbp false
    dst 4789
    oper-status UNKNOWN
        in-octets 0
        in-unicast-pkts 0
        in-discards 0
        in-errors 0
        out-octets 0
        out-unicast-pkts 8
        out-discards 0
        out-errors 0

The same configuration can be made using this NETCONF XML configuration:

vrouter> show config xml absolute vrf main interface vxlan vxlan100
<config xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter">
  <ha xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter/ha"/>
    <interface xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter/interface">
      <vxlan xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter/vxlan">

An alternative configuration is depicted below, which is using the benefits of EVPN technology. With BGP, as per chapter BGP EVPN, VXLAN interfaces are used to connect VPNs between different sites. VXLAN configuration differs a bit compared with previous configuration. For instance, there is no need to configure any group, as it is up to BGP to handle which overlay traffic to convey to vxlan interface, and which destination IP to apply to the underlay destination IP. Below configuration is an illustration on how VXLAN interface can be configured within EVPN configuration:


vrf custom1
      vxlan vxl11
        mtu 1550
        vni 11
        link-vrf main
        learning true
        link-interface eth0
        link-vrf main
      bridge br11
        link-interface vxl11
        mtu 1500

More information can be found on EVPN chapter in routing chapter, in BGP.

See also

The command reference for details.