2.4.1. Automated pre-configuration using Cloud-init

If you installed Turbo Router as a new Linux system, it includes a Day-1 configuration mechanism that starts a DHCP client on the first interface and enables a SSH server on it, so that the user can remotely access the console. This mechanism relies on cloud-init and can be customized as described in the following sections.


Cloud-init is the defacto multi-distribution package that handles early initialization of a cloud instance. Using cloud-init, it is possible to preconfigure Turbo Router.

See also

For more information about Cloud-init, refer to https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Customizing the Turbo Router configuration files is possible only at first boot. The turbo service is started sooner in the next boots, before cloud-init.


The simpler way of using cloud-init with libvirt is to create an iso file labelled cidata.

  1. Write a user-data file and a meta-data file. In this example, we setup the root password.

    cat << EOF > /tmp/user-data
      list: |
    cat << EOF > meta-data
    instance-id: turbo-vm
    local-hostname: turbo-vm
  2. Build an iso image with the cidata label containing the user-data and meta-data and put it in the libvirt images directory.

    apt-get install -y genisoimage
    genisoimage -output seed.iso -volid cidata \
                             -joliet -rock user-data meta-data
    cp seed.iso /var/lib/libvirt/images/
  3. Add seed.iso as a disk to the virt-install command. For instance, for a VM with virtual NICs.

    virt-install --name vm1 --vcpus=3,sockets=1,cores=3,threads=1 \
                 --os-variant ubuntu18.04 --cpu host --network=default,model=e1000 \
                 --ram 8192 --noautoconsole --import \
                 --disk /var/lib/libvirt/images/vm1.qcow2,device=disk,bus=virtio \
                 --disk /var/lib/libvirt/images/seed.iso,device=disk,bus=virtio


Cloud-init is integrated within OpenStack.

  1. Write a cloud-init user-data file. In this example, we setup the root password.

    cat << EOF > /tmp/user-data
      list: |
  2. Start the VM with the additional parameter --user-data.

    openstack server create --flavor turbo-router \
                            --image turbo-router \
                            --user-data /tmp/user-data \


Here is a user-data example, where we upload a startup configuration for the CLI (you can also upload alternative configurations).

- path: /run/vrouter.startup
   content: |
         "vrouter:config": {
            "vrf": [
                  "name": "main",
                  "vrouter-interface:interface": {
                     "physical": [
                           "name": "pub1",
                           "port": "pci-b0s5",
                           "ipv4": {
                              "dhcp": {
                                 "enabled": true
             "vrouter-system:system": {
                "vrouter-fast-path:fast-path": {
                   "port": [
                "vrouter-license:license": {
                   "online": {
                      "serial": "xxx"
   - [/usr/bin/sysrepocfg, -m, vrouter, -d, startup, -f, json, --import=/run/vrouter.startup]
   - [/usr/bin/sysrepocfg, -m, vrouter, -C, startup]