Showing license informationΒΆ

Use the show license command to display the license status.

vrouter> show license
Active perpetual license for Turbo Router
Current activations 88/200
Connected to license server (last contact 2020-04-22 21:25:00)
Lease is valid until 2020-05-22 21:24:59
Serial number is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Computer ID is mLgk6tN3nKRB5Z9Jp1su
License was activated online
Support is valid until 2020-12-31 06:00:00 (standard mode)
Max throughput 100.0G (moving average 0.0G)
IPsec activated for 100000 tunnels (currently used 0)
CG-NAT activated for 30000000 conntracks (currently used 0)

You will want to look for the following output to confirm that your license key is active and valid:

  • Active perpetual license for Turbo Router

  • Connected to license server ...

  • Lease is valid until ...

  • License was activated online

In case of doubt, jump to the next section to learn how to check the license service logs.

The state of the license can also be retrieved using show state / system license.

vrouter> show state / system license
    enabled true
    valid true
    state "Concurrent License Activated"
    activation-type "License was activated online"
    license-type "Perpetual, concurrent"
    short-license-type perpetual
    support-type standard
    support-end-date "2020-12-31 06:00:00"
        allowed 100.0
        used 0.0
        allowed 30000000
        used 0.0
        allowed 100000
        used 0.0
        serial xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        connected true
        current-activations 88
        allowed-activations 200
        computer-id mLgk6tN3nKRB5Z9Jp1su