IP/IPv6 parameters

The behavior of the IPv4/IPv6 network stack can be customized globally, and, for some parameters, per VRF. This behavior customization includes for instance the activation of forwarding, the filtering of packets with source routing option, etc…

If there is no configuration value in a VRF, the global configuration applies.

Global configuration

To change the global default parameters, do:

vsr running config# system network-stack ipv4
vsr running ipv4# accept-redirects true
vsr running ipv4# accept-source-route true
vsr running ipv4# .. ipv6
vsr running ipv6# accept-redirects true
vsr running ipv6# accept-source-route true
vsr running ipv6# accept-router-advert always
vsr running ipv6# use-temporary-addresses always
vsr running ipv6# commit

To display the global network stack parameters state:

vsr> show state / system network-stack
        ignore-icmp-echo-broadcast false
        rate-limit-icmp 1000
        rate-mask-icmp destination-unreachable source-quench time-exceeded parameter-problem
        forwarding true
        send-redirects true
        accept-redirects false
        accept-source-route false
        log-invalid-addresses false
        forwarding true
        accept-router-advert never
        use-temporary-addresses never
        accept-redirects false
        accept-source-route false

The same configuration can be made using this NETCONF XML configuration:

vsr running network-stack# show config xml absolute
<config xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter">
  <system xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter/system">
        <rate-mask-icmp>destination-unreachable source-quench time-exceeded parameter-problem</rate-mask-icmp>

VRF configuration

To override the parameters for a specific VRF, do:

vsr running config# vrf vr1 network-stack ipv4
vsr running ipv4# accept-redirects false
vsr running ipv4# .. ipv6
vsr running ipv6# accept-redirects false
vsr running ipv6# commit

To display the network stack parameters state for this VRF:

vsr running ipv6# show state / vrf vr1 network-stack
        ignore-icmp-echo-broadcast false
        rate-limit-icmp 1000
        rate-mask-icmp destination-unreachable source-quench time-exceeded parameter-problem
        forwarding true
        send-redirects true
        accept-redirects false
        accept-source-route false
        log-invalid-addresses false
        forwarding true
        accept-router-advert never
        use-temporary-addresses never
        accept-redirects false
        accept-source-route false

The same configuration can be made using this NETCONF XML configuration:

vsr running network-stack# show config xml absolute
<config xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter">
    <network-stack xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter/system">