
The purpose of a QoS-hub interface is to be an interface of redirection for another interface to perform QoS scheduling. Once the traffic passing through an QoS-hub interface has been scheduled, it is reinjected back into its original interface. The original traffic can either be ingress traffic or egress aggregated traffic.

To configure QoS-hub, enter the context interface type qos-hub from the VRF in which you plan to define the QoS-hub interface.

vsr running vrf main# interface qos-hub qos-hub-new
vsr running qos-hub qos-hub-new# commit

Let’s fetch the state after committing this configuration:

vsr running vrf main# interface qos-hub qos-hub-new
vsr running qos-hub qos-hub-new# show state
qos-hub qos-hub-new
    mtu 1500
    promiscuous false
    enabled true
    ifindex 9
    oper-status UP
        in-octets 0
        in-unicast-pkts 0
        in-discards 0
        in-errors 0
        out-octets 0
        out-unicast-pkts 0
        out-discards 0
        out-errors 0

The same configuration can be made using this NETCONF XML configuration:

vsr running qos-hub qos-hub-new# show config xml absolute
<config xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter">
  <interface xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter/interface">
   <qos-hub xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter/qos-hub">

See also

The :ref: command reference <cmdref.vrf.interface.qos-hub> for details.