Handling inactive configuration files

Save a configuration

In edition mode, the save command can export the staging configuration in a xml file.

vsr running config# save file config.xml
Saving in /home/admin/.config/nc-cli/conf/config.xml
vsr running config#

Load a configuration

In edition mode, the load command sets the staging configuration from a previously saved configuration file.

vsr running config# load file config.xml
Loading a new configuration will overwrite current.
Are you sure? [y/N] y
Loading configuration /home/admin/.config/nc-cli/conf/config.xml
vsr running config#

The staging configuration can also be set to the startup configuration with the following command:

vsr running config# load startup
Loading a new configuration will overwrite current.
Are you sure? [y/N] y
Loading configuration startup

An already committed configuration can also be loaded:

vsr running config# show commit
commit id date                  user  description
========= ====                  ====  ===========
2         23/02/28 15:01:07 CET admin
1         23/02/28 15:00:59 CET admin
vsr running config# load commit 1
Loading a new configuration will overwrite current.
Are you sure? [y/N] y
Loading commit 1


The commit ID can also be retrieved in the state with: show state system commit-history.

Copying and removing configurations

From edition or operational mode, it is possible to copy and remove configurations.

Here are some examples:

vsr> copy running startup
Overwrite startup configuration? [y/N] y
vsr> copy running file running.xml
vsr> copy startup file startup.xml
vsr> copy file config.xml file config2.xml
vsr> copy xml file config.json file config2.xml
vsr> copy commit 1 file config3.json

vsr> remove startup
Definitively remove startup? [y/N] y
ubuntu1804 running config# remove file config.xml
Definitively remove /home/user/.config/nc-cli/conf/config.xml? [y/N] y

To be certain that the startup configuration is a valid one, only the running configuration can be copied to startup.

Importing and exporting configurations

From edition or operational mode, it is possible to import and export configurations:

vsr> import config.xml http://server/path/to/config.xml
vsr> import config.json https://server/path/to/config.json
vsr> import config.xml ftp://user:password@server/path/to/config.xml

vsr> export config.xml ftp://user:password@server/path/to/config.xml