
Scheduling allows to apply different types of processing to different egress queues configured on an interface. It assumes that the traffic is mapped to each queue, thanks to the concept of traffic class.

Scheduling provides two different queueing processings: Priority Queueing and PB-DWRR.

Each queue has several parameters:

  • The size of the queue defines how many packets can be stored in the queue.

  • Specific parameters related to the selected queueing processing (Priority Queueing or PB-DWRR)

  • An output shaper to limit the bandwidth used by a queue.

  • An input policer to rate limit incoming traffic. Like the output shaper, the purpose of the input policer is to limit the bandwidth used by a queue.

  • The list of traffic classes that are submitted to the queue.


Scheduling is applied to egress traffic on physical interfaces.

Scheduling algorithms

Priority Queueing

When the scheduling algorithm is Priority Queueing, N queues are defined. Each queue has a different priority. The first queue has the highest priority, the last one has the lowest. Queues are served by order of priority: the scheduler first takes packets from the highest priority queue and submits them to the network hardware. When the queue is empty, it starts processing the next queue and so on.


When the scheduling algorithm is PB-DWRR, N queues and two priority levels are defined: high and low.

Among the N queues, one has the high priority, and the N-1 others the low priority. Each low priority queue has a quantum that defines the share of the remaining bandwidth it will receive.

The high priority queue is served first. Once it is empty, other queues are served in a round robin fashion: the scheduler performs DWRR rounds between low priority queues. At each round, it checks each queue in sequence and enables it to send bytes up to its quantum. Then it serves the next queue, and so on.

Traffic classes

A class specifies a set of traffic flows that will be scheduled in the same queue. Classes are defined by the mark of the packet. Packet marking must be done at the IP packet filtering level. Refer to the mark action of the rule command in the command reference.


A packet that does not belong to any class or whose class is not bound to any queue will be submitted to the last queue (the one with the highest class id).

Classes are created in the global qos context with the class command. They can then be referenced by any scheduler.

Enter the global qos context and create classes:

vrouter running config# qos
vrouter running qos#
vrouter running qos# class voip
vrouter running class voip#! mark 0x1
vrouter running class voip# ..
vrouter running qos# class mail
vrouter running class mail#! mark 0x2
vrouter running class mail# ..
vrouter running qos#

By default, all bits of the mark are used to specify classes. Therefore, up to 2**32 different classes are supported. It is possible to specify which bits are used for QoS in order to use the mark for different purposes. In this case, the number of available classes is 2**n where n is the number of bits reserved for the QoS in the mark.

To modify the mask used by the QoS enter the global qos context and edit the class-mask:

vrouter running config# qos
vrouter running qos# class-mask 0xff
vrouter running qos#

With this configuration, the first 8 bits of the mark are used to specify classes for QoS, so that 256 classes can be used.


The result of AND operation between class-mask and mark of any specified class must be unique.

Scheduler templates

Scheduler templates are created in the global qos context with the scheduler command. They can then be referenced by a physical interface for egress.

Enter the global qos context and create a scheduler using Priority Queueing:

vrouter running config# qos
vrouter running qos#
vrouter running qos# scheduler sched1
vrouter running scheduler sched1#! pq
vrouter running scheduler pq# nb-queue 3
vrouter running scheduler pq# queue 1
vrouter running scheduler queue 1# class voip
vrouter running scheduler queue 1# shaper shaper1
vrouter running scheduler queue 1# ..
vrouter running scheduler pq# queue 2
vrouter running scheduler queue 2# class mail
vrouter running scheduler queue 2# .. .. ..
vrouter running qos#

Enter the global qos context and create a scheduler using PB-DWRR:

vrouter running config# qos
vrouter running qos#
vrouter running qos# scheduler sched2
vrouter running scheduler sched2#! pb-dwrr
vrouter running scheduler pb-dwrr# nb-queue 3
vrouter running scheduler pb-dwrr# queue 1
vrouter running scheduler queue 1# class voip
vrouter running scheduler queue 1# shaper shaper1
vrouter running scheduler queue 1# priority high
vrouter running scheduler queue 1# ..
vrouter running scheduler pb-dwrr# queue 2
vrouter running scheduler queue 2# class mail
vrouter running scheduler queue 2# quantum 3000
vrouter running scheduler queue 2# .. .. ..
vrouter running qos#

Review the QoS configuration:

vrouter running qos# show config
    shaper shaper1
        bandwidth 1G
        burst 2K
        layer2-overhead 0
    scheduler sched1
            nb-queue 3
            queue 1
                size 256
                shaper shaper1
                class voip
            queue 2
                size 256
                class mail
    scheduler sched2
            nb-queue 3
            queue 1
                size 256
                shaper shaper1
                class voip
                quantum 1500
                priority high
            queue 2
                size 256
                class mail
                quantum 1500
                priority low
    class-mask 0xff
    class voip
        mark 0x1
    class mail
        mark 0x2

The same settings can be applied using the following NETCONF XML configuration:

vrouter running config qos# show config xml absolute
<config xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter">
  <qos xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter/qos">

Configuring a scheduler on an interface

Schedulers are configured in the qos context of physical interfaces.

Enter the qos context of the eth0 physical interface:

vrouter running config# vrf main
vrouter running vrf main# interface physical eth0
vrouter running physical eth0# qos

Configure sched1 as the scheduler for egress traffic:

vrouter running qos# egress scheduler sched1
vrouter running qos# egress rate-limit shaper shaper2
vrouter running qos# ..
vrouter running physical eth0#


When a scheduler is configured on an interface, it is mandatory to also configure a rate limit shaper on the same interface.

Review eth0 configuration:

vrouter running physical eth0# show config nodefault
physical eth0
                shaper shaper2
            scheduler sched1

Commit the configuration:

vrouter running physical eth0# commit
Configuration committed.
vrouter running physical eth0# ..
vrouter running config#

Review the QoS state of the interface:

vrouter running config# show state vrf main interface physical eth0
                bandwidth 10G
                burst 48K
                layer2-overhead 24
                    pass-packets 0
                    drop-packets 0
            core 1
                nb-queue 3
                queue 1
                    size 256
                        bandwidth 1G
                        burst 2K
                            pass-packets 0
                            drop-packets 0
                    class 0x00000001
                            match-packets 0
                        enqueue-packets 0
                        xmit-packets 0
                        drop-queue-full 0
                queue 2
                    size 256
                    class 0x00000002
                            match-packets 0
                        enqueue-packets 0
                        xmit-packets 0
                        drop-queue-full 0
                queue 3
                    size 256
                        enqueue-packets 0
                        xmit-packets 0
                        drop-queue-full 0

The same settings can be applied using the following NETCONF XML configuration:

vrouter running config# show config xml absolute vrf main interface physical eth0
<config xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter">
    <interface xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter/interface">