Secure Virtual Tunnel Interfaces are generic virtual interfaces ensuring IPsec transformation. They are used to configure route-based VPNs.
Each SVTI interface has its own SAD and SPD. These interfaces have an SVTI ID parameter to associate them to IPsec SA/SP. This ID must be unique per-VRF.
To configure SVTI, enter the context interface
type svti
from the VRF in
which you plan to define the SVTI interface. The configuration is
valid as soon as the SVTI identifier is set.
Here is an example of an SVTI named svti100
with an SVTI identifier 100
vrouter running vrf main# interface svti svti100
vrouter running svti svti100#! svti-id 100
vrouter running svti svti100# commit
The SVTI interface is configured and ready to be associated to an IKE VPN.
Let’s fetch the state afer committing this configuration:
vrouter running vrf main# interface svti svti100
vrouter running svti svti100# show state
svti svti100
mtu 1500
promiscuous false
enabled true
address fe80::afb4:e94a:240a:23f3/64
svti-id 100
oper-status UNKNOWN
in-octets 0
in-unicast-pkts 0
in-discards 0
in-errors 0
out-octets 0
out-unicast-pkts 0
out-discards 0
out-errors 0
link-interface lo
The same configuration can be made using this NETCONF XML configuration:
vrouter> show config xml absolute vrf main interface svti svti100
<config xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter">
<interface xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter/interface">
<svti xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter/svti">
SVTI interfaces can be used to do cross-VRF; the interface can be located in a VRF and have a different link-VRF where the SA / SP are located.
Here is an example of an SVTI located in vrf2
but with a link-vrf
vrouter running vrf vrf2# interface svti svti100
vrouter running svti svti100#! svti-id 100
vrouter running svti svti100# link-vrf vrf1
vrouter running svti svti100# commit
In this configuration, the clear traffic will be in vrf2 and the encrypted traffic in vrf1.
See also
The command reference for details.