3.2.21. qos

QoS configuration.

vrouter running config# qos

class-mask (config only)

Mask applied to marks.

vrouter running config# qos
vrouter running qos# class-mask <0x0-0xffffffff>
Default value

policer (config only)

List of policer templates.

vrouter running config# qos policer <string>


Policer template name.

description (config only)

A comment to describe the policer template.

vrouter running config# qos policer <string>
vrouter running policer <string># description <string>

bandwidth (config only) (mandatory)

Maximum bandwidth of regular traffic, a.k.a. CIR (Committed Information Rate), in bps. 0 allows no regular traffic.

vrouter running config# qos policer <string>
vrouter running policer <string># bandwidth BANDWIDTH


Rate in bits per second. K/M/G/T multipliers are supported. Example: 1G stands for 1000000000 bps.

burst (config only)

Maximum burst size of regular traffic, a.k.a. CBS (Committed Burst Size), in bytes. 0 allows no regular traffic.

vrouter running config# qos policer <string>
vrouter running policer <string># burst BURST


Burst size in bytes. K/M/G/T multipliers are supported. Example: 2K stands for 2000 bytes.

Default value

excess-bandwidth (config only)

Maximum bandwidth of excess traffic, a.k.a. EIR (Excess Information Rate), in bps. 0 allows no excess traffic.

vrouter running config# qos policer <string>
vrouter running policer <string># excess-bandwidth EXCESS-BANDWIDTH


Rate in bits per second. K/M/G/T multipliers are supported. Example: 1G stands for 1000000000 bps.

Default value

excess-burst (config only)

Maximum burst size of excess traffic, a.k.a. EBS (Excess Burst Size), in bytes. 0 allows no excess traffic.

vrouter running config# qos policer <string>
vrouter running policer <string># excess-burst EXCESS-BURST


Burst size in bytes. K/M/G/T multipliers are supported. Example: 2K stands for 2000 bytes.

Default value


List of shared policers.

vrouter running config# qos shared-policer <string>


Shared policer name.

description (config only)

A comment to describe the shared policer.

vrouter running config# qos shared-policer <string>
vrouter running shared-policer <string># description <string>

policer (config only)

Traffic policer template defined in the QoS context.

vrouter running config# qos shared-policer <string>
vrouter running shared-policer <string># policer <leafref>

bandwidth (state only)

Maximum bandwidth of regular traffic, a.k.a. CIR (Committed Information Rate), in bps. 0 allows no regular traffic.

vrouter> show state qos shared-policer <string> bandwidth

burst (state only)

Maximum burst size of regular traffic, a.k.a. CBS (Committed Burst Size), in bytes. 0 allows no regular traffic.

vrouter> show state qos shared-policer <string> burst

excess-bandwidth (state only)

Maximum bandwidth of excess traffic, a.k.a. EIR (Excess Information Rate), in bps. 0 allows no excess traffic.

vrouter> show state qos shared-policer <string> excess-bandwidth

excess-burst (state only)

Maximum burst size of excess traffic, a.k.a. EBS (Excess Burst Size), in bytes. 0 allows no excess traffic.

vrouter> show state qos shared-policer <string> excess-burst

stats (state only)

Traffic policer statistics.

pass-packets (state only)

Number of packets passed (regular traffic that conforms to (bandwidth, burst) specification.

vrouter> show state qos shared-policer <string> stats pass-packets

pass-bytes (state only)

Number of bytes passed (regular traffic that conforms to (bandwidth, burst) specification.

vrouter> show state qos shared-policer <string> stats pass-bytes

pass-excess-packets (state only)

Number of excess packets passed (excess traffic that conforms to (excess-bandwidth, excess-burst) specification.

vrouter> show state qos shared-policer <string> stats pass-excess-packets

pass-excess-bytes (state only)

Number of excess bytes passed (excess traffic that conforms to (excess-bandwidth, excess-burst) specification.

vrouter> show state qos shared-policer <string> stats pass-excess-bytes

drop-packets (state only)

Number of packets dropped (traffic that does not conform to bandwidth or excess-bandwidth).

vrouter> show state qos shared-policer <string> stats drop-packets

drop-bytes (state only)

Number of bytes dropped (traffic that does not conform to bandwidth or excess-bandwidth).

vrouter> show state qos shared-policer <string> stats drop-bytes

shaper (config only)

List of shapers.

vrouter running config# qos shaper <string>


Shaper name.

description (config only)

A comment to describe the shaper.

vrouter running config# qos shaper <string>
vrouter running shaper <string># description <string>

bandwidth (config only) (mandatory)

Maximum bandwidth of shaped traffic.

vrouter running config# qos shaper <string>
vrouter running shaper <string># bandwidth BANDWIDTH


Rate in bits per second. K/M/G/T multipliers are supported. Example: 1G stands for 1000000000 bps.

burst (config only)

Maximum burst size of shaped traffic.

vrouter running config# qos shaper <string>
vrouter running shaper <string># burst BURST


Burst size in bytes. K/M/G/T multipliers are supported. Example: 2K stands for 2000 bytes.

Default value

layer1-overhead (config only)

Number of bytes added by the underlying protocol on each packet.

vrouter running config# qos shaper <string>
vrouter running shaper <string># layer1-overhead <uint32>
Default value

queue-size (config only)

Number of packets that can be saved in the delay queue. If a scheduler is also configured on the interface, this value is not used, the queues of the scheduler are used as delay queues. The value is rounded up to the nearest power of 2.

vrouter running config# qos shaper <string>
vrouter running shaper <string># queue-size <uint32>
Default value

scheduler (config only)

List of schedulers.

vrouter running config# qos scheduler <string>


Scheduler name.

description (config only)

A comment to describe the scheduler.

vrouter running config# qos scheduler <string>
vrouter running scheduler <string># description <string>

core (config only)

Core assigned to manage the scheduler. If unset, cpu is automaticaly selected.

vrouter running config# qos scheduler <string>
vrouter running scheduler <string># core <uint32>

pq (config only)

Priority Queueing description.

vrouter running config# qos scheduler <string> pq

nb-queue (config only) (mandatory)

Number of Priority Queueing queues available in the scheduler.

vrouter running config# qos scheduler <string> pq
vrouter running pq# nb-queue <uint32>

queue (config only)

List of Priority Queueing queues.

vrouter running config# qos scheduler <string> pq queue <uint32>


Id of the queue.

size (config only)

Size of the queue in packets.

vrouter running config# qos scheduler <string> pq queue <uint32>
vrouter running queue <uint32># size <uint32>
Default value
policer (config only)

Traffic policer defined in the QoS context applied to incoming traffic.

vrouter running config# qos scheduler <string> pq queue <uint32>
vrouter running queue <uint32># policer <leafref>
shaper (config only)

Traffic shaper defined in the QoS context applied to outgoing traffic.

vrouter running config# qos scheduler <string> pq queue <uint32>
vrouter running queue <uint32># shaper <leafref>
class (config only)

List of traffic classes bound to this queue.

vrouter running config# qos scheduler <string> pq queue <uint32>
vrouter running queue <uint32># class <leafref>


Class name.

pb-dwrr (config only)

Priority-Based Deficit Weighted Round Robin description.

vrouter running config# qos scheduler <string> pb-dwrr

nb-queue (config only) (mandatory)

Number of PB-DWRR queues available in the scheduler.

vrouter running config# qos scheduler <string> pb-dwrr
vrouter running pb-dwrr# nb-queue <uint32>

queue (config only)

List of PB-DWRR queues.

vrouter running config# qos scheduler <string> pb-dwrr queue <uint32>


Id of the queue.

size (config only)

Size of the queue in packets.

vrouter running config# qos scheduler <string> pb-dwrr queue <uint32>
vrouter running queue <uint32># size <uint32>
Default value
policer (config only)

Traffic policer defined in the QoS context applied to incoming traffic.

vrouter running config# qos scheduler <string> pb-dwrr queue <uint32>
vrouter running queue <uint32># policer <leafref>
shaper (config only)

Traffic shaper defined in the QoS context applied to outgoing traffic.

vrouter running config# qos scheduler <string> pb-dwrr queue <uint32>
vrouter running queue <uint32># shaper <leafref>
quantum (config only)

Quantum of the queue. Relevant only if priority is low.

vrouter running config# qos scheduler <string> pb-dwrr queue <uint32>
vrouter running queue <uint32># quantum <uint32>
Default value
priority (config only)

Priority of the queue (low or high).

vrouter running config# qos scheduler <string> pb-dwrr queue <uint32>
vrouter running queue <uint32># priority PRIORITY




Low priority.


High priority.

Default value
class (config only)

List of traffic classes bound to this queue.

vrouter running config# qos scheduler <string> pb-dwrr queue <uint32>
vrouter running queue <uint32># class <leafref>


Class name.

class (config only)

List of supported classes.

vrouter running config# qos class <string>


Class name.

description (config only)

A comment to describe the class.

vrouter running config# qos class <string>
vrouter running class <string># description <string>

mark (config only) (mandatory)

Class mark.

vrouter running config# qos class <string>
vrouter running class <string># mark <0x0-0xffffffff>