Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA)


Users authentication can be done using a TACACS+ remote server.

Each remote user is assigned a role (viewer or admin, see users section for details) that denotes its rights. The way to specify this role is dependent of the remote server.


If a local user with the same name as a remote user exists, the connection can be done by using the local or remote password. The role of the user will be the one defined locally.


Some names are reserved by the system and cannot be used: _apt, _lldpd, _tacacs, backup, bin, daemon, dhcpd, dnsmasq, fastpath, games, gnats, irc, list, lp, mail, man, messagebus, news, nobody, ntp, proxy, snmp, sshd, statd, sync, sys, syslog, systemd-bus-proxy, systemd-network, systemd-resolve, systemd-timesync, telegraf, uucp, uuidd, www-data.

If one of these names is used, the connection using a remote server will fail.

Manage TACACS+ servers list

To add a TACACS+ servers do:

vrouter running config# system aaa tacacs 1

Here, 1 is the priority order in case multiple servers are configured. The lower the order, the higher the priority.


Up to 8 TACACS+ servers can be specified.

An IP address and secret to authenticate the TACACS+ exchanges are required:

vrouter running tacacs 1#! address secret testing123
vrouter running tacacs 1# commit


The specified address must be accessible from vrf ‘main’.

Let’s fetch the state afer committing this configuration:

vrouter running tacacs 1# show state
tacacs 1
    port 49
    secret testing123
    timeout 3

The same configuration can be made using this NETCONF XML configuration:

vrouter running config# show config xml absolute system aaa tacacs
<config xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter">
  <system xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter/system">
    <aaa xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter/system/aaa">

See also

The command reference for details.

Configuring TACACS+ authentication servers

6WIND Vendor-Specific TACACS+ Attributes can be used to configure users privileges. They are specified in the TACACS+ server configuration file on a per-user basis. Turbo CG-NAT retrieves these attributes through an authorization request to the TACACS+ server after authenticating a user.

To specify these attributes, include a service statement in the TACACS+ server configuration file, in a user or a group statement:

service = 6WIND {
   local-role = "admin|viewer"

At the moment, the local-role attribute is supported. If not specified, the viewer role is assigned by default.

Here is a complete example:

group = admins {
   default service = permit
   service = exec {
      priv-lvl = 15
   service = shell {
      priv-lvl = 15
   service = 6WIND {
      local-role = "admin"

group = viewers {
   default service = permit
   service = exec {
      priv-lvl = 15
   service = shell {
      priv-lvl = 15
   service = 6WIND {
      local-role = "viewer"

user = john {
     name = "John C"
     member = admins
     pap = PAM

user = alice {
     default service = permit
     service = exec {
        priv-lvl = 15
     service = shell {
        priv-lvl = 15
     service = 6WIND {
        local-role = "admin"
     name = "Alice F"
     pap = PAM

user = bob {
     name = "Bob D"
     member = viewers
     pap = PAM

With this configuration, john and alice can connect to the product with the admin role and bob with the viewer role.


The length of the user name must be less or equal to 32 characters.