IP packet filtering¶
This is where IPv4 and IPv6 packet filtering is configured. The device monitors incoming and outgoing traffic, and determines whether to allow or deny traffic, based on sequenced list of rules. Each rule contains a packet selector and the related action.
The IP packet filtering module leverages Netfilter, and re-uses its concepts.
IP packet filtering and CG-NAT are exclusive. If CG-NAT is enabled, IP packet filtering must be disabled on ports bound to the fast path.
See also
The command reference for details.
A chain is a list of rules. It is responsible for determining how an incoming, outgoing or forwarded packet should be processed by the filtering module.
There are several default chains, associated to hooks in the routing stack:
is called as soon as packets are receivedinput
is called for locally delivered packetsforward
is called when the packet is being routedoutput
is called for locally generated packetspostrouting
is called when the packets are about to be sent
If a packet entering a default chain does not match any rule, it will be processed by the chain’s default policy.
User-chains can be defined as well, and called from the default chains.
Several tables are available. Each table has a specific purpose and defines some specific default chains. The chains cross the different tables in a predefined priority.
The raw
table is mainly used to exempt packets from connection tracking. Only
the prerouting
and output
chains are available in this table. It is always
crossed first (before connection tracking).
The mangle
table is the packet alteration table. All the default chains are
available in this table. It is called before filter, and after connection
The filter
table is the default table. Only the input
, forward
chains are available in this table. This is where packets are actually
filtered. It is called after the mangle
A rule is defined by a sequence number, a packet selector and an action. It specifies what action to apply to packets that match the selector. Packets are compared to each rule until it matches one rule selector. The action is then applied to the packet and look up into the chain is stopped. If a packet does not match any of the rules in a default chain, it is applied the default policy.
A group is a set of IP addresses or networks. The rule packet selector can reference a group as source or destination.
Connection tracking¶
To perform stateful filtering or NAT, the device can monitor the connections
and maintain their state, using the connection tracking module. Each connection
is stored in a conntrack
, defined by its source and destination address, its
source and destination port in the two directions (named origin and reply), and
the state of the connection.
Here is an example of a conntrack
defining an SSH connection from
port 58242 to port 22. The connection is established
, meaning that
packets were seen in the two directions.
tcp 6 431995 ESTABLISHED src= dst= sport=58242 dport=22 src= dst= sport=22 dport=58242 [ASSURED] mark=0 use=1
The connection tracking module is called in prerouting
and output
after the raw
table. It is enabled for all packets, unless disabled using the
Stateless filtering¶
Stateless filtering does not need the connection tracking module.
Let’s configure the following:
create a user chain named
to store rules common to the public interfacespub0
change the
policy todrop
create a
address group containing the2.2.2.2
IP addressesallow all traffic from
IP address andtrusted
group, and onlyssh
connections from other IPs entering from thepub0
interfacesallow all the traffic entering from the
interfaceallow all the traffic entering from the
interface (used by the cli)
vrouter running vrf main# firewall ipv4
vrouter running ipv4# address-group trusted
vrouter running address-group trusted# address
vrouter running address-group trusted# address
vrouter running address-group trusted# ..
vrouter running ipv4# filter
vrouter running filter# chain outside
vrouter running chain outside# rule 1 source address description "allow" action accept
vrouter running chain outside# rule 2 source group trusted description "allow trusted" action accept
vrouter running chain outside# rule 3 protocol tcp destination port 22 description "allow ssh" action accept
vrouter running chain outside# rule 4 protocol tcp destination port 830 description "allow netconf" action accept
vrouter running chain outside# ..
vrouter running filter# input
vrouter running input# policy drop
vrouter running input# rule 1 inbound-interface pub0 action chain outside
vrouter running input# rule 2 inbound-interface pub1 action chain outside
vrouter running input# rule 3 inbound-interface priv action accept
vrouter running input# rule 4 inbound-interface lo description "allow local netconf traffic" action accept
This configuration is partial, and only shown as an example. It should not be used as is in production.
Let’s fetch the state after committing this configuration:
vrouter running filter# show state
bytes 23862
policy drop
packets 111
rule 1 counters bytes 0 packets 0 inbound-interface pub0 action chain outside
rule 2 counters bytes 0 packets 0 inbound-interface pub1 action chain outside
rule 3 counters bytes 0 packets 0 inbound-interface priv action accept
rule 4 description "allow local netconf traffic" counters bytes 803700 packets 2289 inbound-interface lo action accept
bytes 0
policy accept
packets 0
bytes 811590
policy accept
packets 2400
chain outside
bytes 0
packets 0
rule 1 description "allow" counters bytes 0 packets 0 source address action accept
rule 2 description "allow trusted" counters bytes 0 packets 0 source group trusted action accept
rule 3 description "allow ssh" counters bytes 0 packets 0 protocol tcp destination port 22 action accept
rule 4 description "allow netconf" counters bytes 0 packets 0 protocol tcp destination port 830 action accept
address-group trusted
The same configuration can be made using this NETCONF XML configuration:
vrouter> show config xml absolute vrf main firewall
<config xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter">
<firewall xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter/firewall">
<description>allow local netconf traffic</description>
<description>allow trusted</description>
<description>allow ssh</description>
<description>allow netconf</description>
Stateful filtering¶
Using the connection tracking, it is possible to match packets that are part of an existing connection.
The following configuration adds to the previous stateless configuration some stateful filtering rules, by allowing packets from an existing connection, but denying packets for a new one.
vrouter running vrf main# firewall ipv4
vrouter running ipv4# filter
vrouter running filter# chain outside
vrouter running chain outside# rule 5 conntrack state established related description "accept established and related connections" action accept
vrouter running chain outside# rule 6 conntrack state new description "deny new connections" action drop
vrouter running chain outside# commit