Static routes¶
Standard routing¶
Once the IP addresses have been configured, communication is possible between the nodes (hosts or routers) directly connected to the same IP sub-network. It is a one hop communication. To communicate with other nodes that are connected to a different sub-network, a dedicated node, the router, requires routes. For example, you can define static IP routes to link sub-networks.
Static routes do not scale and are not error-free. They should be used only when dynamic routing protocols cannot be deployed, or in case of very simple topologies.
You can implement static routing by directly manipulating the equipment routing table. It may be used with any dynamic routing protocol. When both static and dynamic routes are set, the static ones are preferred because their administrative distance is 1.
To add a static route, do:
vrouter running config# vrf main
vrouter running vrf main# routing static
vrouter running static# ipv4-route next-hop
vrouter running static# commit
Configuration applied.
To display the static routes state:
vrouter running config# show state vrf main routing static
To check the route is present in the system Routing Information Base:
vrouter running config# show state vrf main routing rib
selected true
distance 1
protocol static
uptime 00:11:55
interface ntfp2
active true
fib true
To show the state in a human readable way:
vrouter running config# show ipv4-routes vrf main
K>* [0/0] via, mgmt0, 00:02:00
C>* is directly connected, mgmt0, 00:02:00
C>* is directly connected, ntfp1, 00:02:00
C>* is directly connected, ntfp2, 00:02:00
C>* is directly connected, ntfp3, 00:02:00
S>* [1/0] via, ntfp2, 00:02:00
The same configuration can be made using this NETCONF XML configuration:
vrouter running config# show config xml absolute vrf main routing static
<config xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter">
<routing xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter/routing">
See also
The command-reference for details.
Policy-Based Routing¶
Turbo CG-NAT supports multiple routing tables. By default, routes are set in the main table as explained above. For PBR, it is possible to specify the table to use using an identifier. See the Policy-Based Routing section for details.
To add a static route in a specific table, do:
vrouter running static# ipv4-route next-hop table 100
vrouter running static# commit
Configuration applied.
To show the state for a specific table:
vrouter running config# show config xml absolute vrf main routing static
vrouter running config# show ipv4-routes vrf main table 100
S>* [1/0] via, ntfp3, 00:02:00
The matching NETCONF XML is as follows:
vrouter running config# show config xml absolute vrf main routing static
<config xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter">
<routing xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter/routing">
BFD With Static Routes¶
It is possible to enable a failover mechanism that relies on nexthops configured in static routes. By monitoring with BFD that nexthop, the route will be either validated or invalidated, according to BFD status. This mechanism enforces the reachability. To get more information on BFD, please see BFD.
Below example illustrates how a BFD peer session context is created, associated
to next-hop
vrf customer1
routing static ipv4-route next-hop track bfd
Then you can continue the configuration as usual. For timer settings, the default emission and reception settings are set to 300000 microseconds, which may not be what is wished. In that case, it is possible to override default timers, by configuring general timer settings. More information is given in Configuring general BFD settings.
BFD Configuration And Monitoring In Static Routing Using Trackers¶
It’s also possible to configure a BFD or ICMP tracker manually. This enables using the same tracker in different services. An example is available in the BGP configuration and monitoring using trackers documentation.
More information about tracker can be found in Tracker guide.