2.2.8. Install as a VM using AWS

The Turbo CG-NAT private AMI image provides a simple way to deploy Turbo CG-NAT in AWS. Access to the AMI image must be requested to the 6WIND support team through the customer zone.

Once access is granted, the Turbo CG-NAT AMI will be available in the AWS management console when selecting AMIs > Private Images.

Launch AWS Instance

From the EC2 homepage, select Instances > Launch Instance.

Step 1: choose AMI

Select the Turbo AMI in My AMIs > Ownership > Shared with me.


Step 2: choose instance type

This AMI requires either Intel 82599 VF adapters or ENA adapters. Please make sure to select an instance type that supports these adapters.

Step 3: configure instance

In AWS, console access is provided through the network and relies on cloud-init. cloud-init configuration must be provided in Advanced Details > User data.


In the following example, we pre-install the license file (make sure you replace the contents by your own). We also upload a startup configuration for the CLI.

This sample CLI configuration fulfills the minimal requirements to start Turbo CG-NAT with high performance. It consists in enabling DHCP on the first network interface, dedicating that interface to the fast path and enabling VLAN stripping.

- path: /etc/turbo.lic
  content: |
   LICENSE 6wind turbo-router 01.99.99 permanent uncounted
     hostid=isv=628CE7A75DA9EFB7B3A2D3CDEB566889 customer=yourcompany
     _ck=c082fce984 sig="60PG4527MCR2KEKTD2UP7TRN18G1R6GDJCUM2XH508A03PHQ
- path: /etc/sysrepo/data/vrouter.startup
   content: |
         "vrouter:config": {
            "vrf": [
                  "name": "main",
                  "vrouter-interface:interface": {
                     "physical": [
                           "name": "pub1",
                           "port": "pci-b0s5",
                           "ipv4": {
                              "dhcp": {
                                 "enabled": true
             "vrouter-system:system": {
                "vrouter-fast-path:fast-path": {
                   "port": [
                   "advanced": {
                      "vlan-strip": true

Activate AWS IP forwarding

By default, AWS forbids IP forwarding. It must be enabled from the management console after the instance is launched as follows.

../../_images/aws_enable_forwarding_1.png ../../_images/aws_enable_forwarding_2.png

The next step is to perform your first configuration.