

requires a Turbo Router Network License.

NHRP configuration.

vrouter running config# vrf <vrf> routing nhrp


Enable or disable NHRP.

vrouter running config# vrf <vrf> routing nhrp
vrouter running nhrp# enabled true|false
Default value


Enable or disable the NHRP hub redirect capacity.

vrouter running config# vrf <vrf> routing nhrp
vrouter running nhrp# hub-mode true|false
Default value

nhrp4-cache (state only)

Nexthop Cache Entry.

type (state only)

NHRP cache type.

vrouter> show state vrf <vrf> routing nhrp nhrp4-cache <string> <protocol> type

nbma (state only)

NBMA IP address.

vrouter> show state vrf <vrf> routing nhrp nhrp4-cache <string> <protocol> nbma

timeout (state only)

Tell if cache entry has timeout.

vrouter> show state vrf <vrf> routing nhrp nhrp4-cache <string> <protocol> timeout

auth (state only)

Tell if cache entry has authentication procedure.

vrouter> show state vrf <vrf> routing nhrp nhrp4-cache <string> <protocol> auth

used (state only)

Tell if cache entry is used.

vrouter> show state vrf <vrf> routing nhrp nhrp4-cache <string> <protocol> used

identity (state only)

Identity of the connection of the cache entry.

vrouter> show state vrf <vrf> routing nhrp nhrp4-cache <string> <protocol> identity

nhrp6-cache (state only)

Nexthop Cache Entry.

type (state only)

NHRP cache type.

vrouter> show state vrf <vrf> routing nhrp nhrp6-cache <string> <protocol> type

nbma (state only)

NBMA IP address.

vrouter> show state vrf <vrf> routing nhrp nhrp6-cache <string> <protocol> nbma

timeout (state only)

Tell if cache entry has timeout.

vrouter> show state vrf <vrf> routing nhrp nhrp6-cache <string> <protocol> timeout

auth (state only)

Tell if cache entry has authentication procedure.

vrouter> show state vrf <vrf> routing nhrp nhrp6-cache <string> <protocol> auth

used (state only)

Tell if cache entry is used.

vrouter> show state vrf <vrf> routing nhrp nhrp6-cache <string> <protocol> used

identity (state only)

Identity of the connection of the cache entry.

vrouter> show state vrf <vrf> routing nhrp nhrp6-cache <string> <protocol> identity

nhrp4-nhs (state only)

Nexthop Cache Entry.

fqdn (state only)

Fully Qualified Domain Name of Server.

vrouter> show state vrf <vrf> routing nhrp nhrp4-nhs <string> <nbma> fqdn

protocol (state only)

Protocol IPv4 Address.

vrouter> show state vrf <vrf> routing nhrp nhrp4-nhs <string> <nbma> protocol

nhrp6-nhs (state only)

Nexthop Cache Entry.

fqdn (state only)

Fully Qualified Domain Name of Server.

vrouter> show state vrf <vrf> routing nhrp nhrp6-nhs <string> <nbma> fqdn

protocol (state only)

Protocol IPv6 Address.

vrouter> show state vrf <vrf> routing nhrp nhrp6-nhs <string> <nbma> protocol

connection (state only)

NHRP Connection.

notifier-active (state only)

Whether the connection is active.

vrouter> show state vrf <vrf> routing nhrp connection <string> <string> notifier-active

sa-count (state only)

Number of child SAs for this connection.

vrouter> show state vrf <vrf> routing nhrp connection <string> <string> sa-count

identity (state only)

IKE remote identity of the connection.

vrouter> show state vrf <vrf> routing nhrp connection <string> <string> identity