Edition mode

Enter into a context

The configuration is organized hierarchically. All configuration is available under the config node.

├── system
│   ├── auth
│   ├── fast-path
│   └── ...
└── vrf
    ├── dns
    ├── interface
    └── ...

To enter into a context, type its name, followed by the key in case of a list.

vrouter running config#
vrouter running config# vrf main
vrouter running vrf main# interface
vrouter running interface# physical eth0
vrouter running physical eth0#

This can also be done in one command:

vrouter running config# vrf main interface physical eth0
vrouter running physical eth0#


The CLI commands are generated from YANG files, which also specifies the NETCONF API of the device. A CLI context corresponds to a container or a list statement in the YANG file.

Set configuration values

To set the value of a leaf, type its name and its value:

vrouter running physical eth0# port pci-b0s4
vrouter running physical eth0# mtu 1500
vrouter running physical eth0# show config
physical eth0
   port pci-b0s4
   mtu 1500

Several leaves can be set in one command, achieving the same result:

vrouter running physical eth0# port pci-b0s4 mtu 1500
vrouter running physical eth0#

Finally, it is possible to set the value of leaves that are in a different path. In that case, specify the path, followed by the leaves and their values. Note that the current directory remains unchanged.

vrouter running config# vrf main interface physical eth0 mtu 1500 port pci-b0s4
vrouter running config#


The CLI commands are generated from YANG files, which also specifies the NETCONF API of the device. A CLI configuration leaf corresponds to a leaf or a leaflist statement in the YANG file.

Delete a configuration node

A configuration node (either a leaf or a context) can be deleted with the command del, followed by the path of the node:

vrouter running physical eth0# mtu 1500
vrouter running physical eth0# show config
physical eth0
   mtu 1500
vrouter running physical eth0# del mtu
vrouter running physical eth0# show config
[... no mtu ...]

Complex configuration commands

Some commands need to have a more complex syntax, because a couple name/value is not sufficient. In this case, the CLI behavior is customized with extensions in the YANG files.

Particularly, a YANG container or list can be used to define oneliner commands. For example, the interface IP neighbor context uses an extension to have a specific syntax:

neighbor <ip> link-layer-address <mac>

The following example shows that it does not follow the same syntax than the simple case described above. Each neighbor is identified by its key, and the argument attached to the neighbor is mandatory. To delete a neighbor, only the key is needed.

vrouter running ipv4# neighbor link-layer-address 11:11:11:11:11:11
vrouter running ipv4# neighbor link-layer-address 22:22:22:22:22:22
vrouter running ipv4# show config
   neighbor link-layer-address 11:11:11:11:11:11
   neighbor link-layer-address 22:22:22:22:22:22
   enabled true
vrouter running ipv4# del neighbor
vrouter running ipv4# show config
   neighbor link-layer-address 22:22:22:22:22:22
   enabled true

Show configuration

The show config command is used to display the configuration. In edition mode, it shows the staging configuration by default, relative to the current path.

The syntax of the command is: show config [staging|running|startup|(file <file>)] [text|xml|json] [all|nodefault] [relative|absolute] [fullpath|nopath] [<path...>]


show config (show the configuration) should not be confused with show state (get the operational state).

vrouter running config# vrf main ssh-server
vrouter running ssh-server# show config
   enabled true
   port 22

It is possible to show the running or the startup configuration:

vrouter running config# vrf main ssh-server
vrouter running ssh-server# show config running
   enabled true
   port 22

The configuration can be displayed in different format (text, xml or json):

vrouter running config# vrf main ssh-server
vrouter running ssh-server# show config json
  "vrouter-ssh-server:ssh-server": {
    "enabled": true,
    "port": 22

The configuration nodes set to the default value can be stripped from the configuration with nodefault (in this example port set to 22 and enabled set to true are not displayed):

vrouter running config# vrf main ssh-server
vrouter running ssh-server# show config xml nodefault
<ssh-server xmlns="urn:6wind:vrouter/ssh-server">

A path can be specified, which can be absolute, or relative to the current path:

vrouter running config# vrf main ssh-server
vrouter running ssh-server# show config
   enabled true
   port 22
vrouter running ssh-server#
vrouter running ssh-server# show config .. ..
   vrf main
         enabled true
         port 22
vrouter running ssh-server# show config /
    vrf main
            enabled true
            port 22
vrouter running ssh-server# show config / vrf main ssh-server
  enabled true
  port 22

The configuration root path can be relative (default), or absolute. If absolute is specified, all the parent containers are displayed, but the configuration that is not in the specified path is stripped. This example demonstrates the feature:

vrouter running ssh-server# show config /
vrf main
        enabled true
        port 22
vrf vr1
vrouter running ssh-server# show config
    enabled true
    port 22
vrouter running ssh-server# show config absolute
vrf main
        enabled true
        port 22

When the configuration is displayed in a text format, the full path can be prepended to each node. This eases copy/paste, or filtering using the match output filter:

vrouter running ssh-server# show config fullpath
/ vrf main ssh-server
/ vrf main ssh-server enabled true
/ vrf main ssh-server port 22

The show config command is also available from the operational mode. In this case, the running configuration is displayed by default as there is no staging configuration.

Show state

The show state command is used to display the current state of the device. The arguments and the output of the command are similar to the show config command.

The syntax of the command is show state [text|xml|json] [all|nodefault] [relative|absolute|fullpath] [<path...>].

Without path argument, the displayed state depends on the current location in the configuration. At root, it displays all the state:

vrouter running config# show state
vrf main
            ignore-icmp-echo-broadcast false
            rate-limit-icmp 1000
            rate-mask-icmp destination-unreachable source-quench time-exceeded parameter-problem
            forwarding true

When called from an interface context, only the state of this interface is displayed:

vrouter running physical ens2# pwd
/ vrf main interface physical ens2
vrouter running physical ens2# show state
physical ens2
    mtu 1500
    promiscuous false
    enabled false
    port pci-b0s2
    rx-cp-protection false

Like in the show config command, the path and the output format can be specified.

Diff configurations

The diff command shows the differences between two configurations. Additions are prefixed by a + and deletions by a -. All lines changed in the same directory are prefixed by a title line starting with ===.

Without argument, it displays the differences between the origin configuration and the staging configuration in the current directory: in other words, it shows the uncommitted user changes.

vrouter running config# vrf main
vrouter running vrf main# interface physical eth0
vrouter running physical eth0#! port pci-b0s2
vrouter running physical eth0# diff
=== / vrf main interface
+ physical eth0
+     port pci-b0s2
+     enabled true
+     ipv4
+         enabled true
+         ..
+     ipv6
+         enabled true
+         ..
+     ..

A path argument can be appended:

vrouter running physical eth0# diff /
=== /
+ vrf main
+     interface
+         physical eth0
+             port pci-b0s2
+             enabled true
+             ipv4
+                 enabled true
+                 ..
+             ipv6
+                 enabled true
+                 ..
+             ..
+         ..
+     ..
vrouter running physical eth0# diff ..

The configurations used for the diff can be specified:

vrouter running fast-path# diff file my-config startup
=== / system
- fast-path
-     enabled false
-     port pci-b0s2
-     cp-protection
-         budget 10
-         ..
-     linux-sync
-         fpm-socket-size 2097152
-         nl-socket-size 67108864
-         ..
-     ..

If the fullpath argument is passed, each line is expressed with an absolute path:

vrouter running config# diff fullpath running staging /
=== /
+ / vrf vr0
+ / vrf vr0 interface
+ / vrf vr0 interface loopback loop0
+ / vrf vr0 interface loopback loop0 enabled true
+ / vrf vr0 interface loopback loop0 ipv4
+ / vrf vr0 interface loopback loop0 ipv4 enabled true
+ / vrf vr0 interface loopback loop0 ipv6
+ / vrf vr0 interface loopback loop0 ipv6 enabled true
=== / system fast-path
- / system fast-path enabled true
+ / system fast-path enabled false

Commit configuration changes

Once you are satisfied with your changes in the staging configuration, you can apply the changes by committing the configuration. This operation copies the content of the staging configuration into the running configuration.

vrouter> edit running
vrouter running config# vrf main
vrouter running vrf main# ssh-server
vrouter running ssh-server# show config
   enabled true
   port 22
vrouter running ssh-server# show config running
vrouter running ssh-server# commit
Configuration committed.
vrouter running ssh-server# show config running
   enabled true
   port 22


After a call to commit, the running configuration is updated immediately. In contrast, the state of the system can take some time to change, depending on the configuration.

Clear configuration changes

Exiting the edition mode cancels the changes done in the staging configuration.

vrouter running config# exit
Exit: not saved/applied, are you sure? [y/N] y