Fast path plugins runtime parameters

You can also provide options to fast path plugins (or modules) using the following syntax:

--mod-opt <module_name>:<argument_value>

Name of the module as specified in the module’s fp_mod object structure.


Argument used in the module’s fp_mod object structure argv field.

Several options may be provided to the same module in a single –mod-opt option:

--mod-opt <module_name>:<argument_value1>:<argument_value2>


FP_OPTIONS="--mod-opt=my-module:-a --mod-opt=my-module:1 --mod-opt=my-module:--lopt=8192"



The my-module fp-mod structure is updated with the following content:

  • argc field is set to 4

  • argv field is set to {“my-module”, “-a”, “1”, “–lopt=8192”}

Then, my-module can use the getopt functions to perform as expected with the provided arguments.

See also

For more information about creating plugins, see the Fast Path Baseline - Plugins documentation.