1.2.7. Uninstallation¶
Stop the Virtual Accelerator service¶
Make sure Virtual Accelerator is no longer running, following the documentation:
# systemctl stop virtual-accelerator.target
Disable Virtual Accelerator from the list of services:
# systemctl disable virtual-accelerator.target
Uninstall add-ons¶
Remove the QuickAssist add-on 1:
# yum remove -y virtual-accelerator-addon-qat
Remove the KPIs add-on:
# yum remove -y virtual-accelerator-addon-kpis
- 1
requires an IPsec Application License
Uninstall Virtual Accelerator¶
If you enabled OpenStack support, remove it now:
# yum remove -y 6wind-openstack-extensions
Uninstall the Virtual Accelerator repository:
# PRODUCT=virtual-accelerator # DISTRIB=redhat-8 # PKG=6wind-${PRODUCT}-${DISTRIB}-repository # yum autoremove -y $PKG
Change the
for Virtual Accelerator IPsec.Uninstall the meta-package (which will remove most dependencies):
# yum autoremove -y $PRODUCT
If you enabled OpenStack, reinstall the latest openvswitch package (previously overridden by Virtual Accelerator):
# yum upgrade -y openvswitch
Some configuration files are conflicting between 6WIND version and the official one. Use files from the package maintainer.
If you enabled OpenStack, remove 6WIND packages that depended on openvswitch and were thus not removed when cleaning the Virtual Accelerator meta-package:
# yum autoremove -y
Optionally, you may want to get back an older version of libvirt and QEMU than what you installed through this documentation:
Start by stopping the libvirt service:
# systemctl stop libvirtd
Remove virtualization tools current versions:
# yum remove -y qemu-kvm-rhev libvirt libvirt-python
Some packages depend on libvirt and QEMU (
for instance). Make sure to reinstall those after removing 6WIND packages.Remove the 6WIND repository for early technology access builds:
# yum remove -y 6wind-public
Reinstall the official virtualization tools:
# yum install -y qemu-kvm-rhev libvirt libvirt-python