1.2.3. Packages installation

Virtual Accelerator installation consists in setting up a local repository and then performing the actual package installation.

Setting up a local repository

  1. Retrieve and extract the Virtual Accelerator bin package

    # tar xfz /path/to/6wind-virtual-accelerator-*-bin.tgz
  2. Set a variable for the directory containing the Virtual Accelerator software:

    # export DELIVERY_DIR=/path/to/6wind-virtual-accelerator-*-bin

    In the rest of this document, the directory containing the Virtual Accelerator software will be referred to as $DELIVERY_DIR.

  3. Install the local 6WIND apt repository:

    # mkdir -p /etc/apt/sources.list.d
    # echo "deb [trusted=yes] file://$DELIVERY_DIR /" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/6wind.list
    # mkdir -p /etc/apt/preferences.d
    # echo "Package: *"           >/etc/apt/preferences.d/6WIND
    # echo "Pin: release o=6wind" >>/etc/apt/preferences.d/6WIND
    # echo "Pin-Priority: 900"    >>/etc/apt/preferences.d/6WIND
    # apt-get update

Package installation/update

  1. Install or update the Virtual Accelerator package:

    # apt-get install -y virtual-accelerator
  2. Install or update the KPIs add-on (require python 3):

    # apt-get install -y virtual-accelerator-addon-kpis
  3. Install or update the QuickAssist add-on 1:

    # apt-get install -y virtual-accelerator-addon-qat
  4. Remove unneeded leftover dependencies:

    # apt-get autoremove

requires a Virtual Accelerator IPsec Application License